Push Everything Away

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Brie eyes open adjusting to the bright light into the room she looks around the room seeing herself in a hospital gown the sounds you could only here was the machines beeping and voices on the intercom

A nurse comes to the door with the clip board writing little notes on the paper she looks at brie noticing she is awake she leaves the room and comes back with hunter by her side whispering something for only he can hear the nurse walks out leaving brie and hunter alone

"Honey I don't know what's going on with you but coming home to find your daughter pass out on the floor with bloody wrists on your arm hurts me brie"

"I'm sorry dad I'm just sick of everyone making me feel like a fool in front of the whole world just wanted to erase me from the world I just tired of the suffering" she said but hunter's expression says otherwise

"Brie this doesn't mean you go hurting yourself even if you feel hurt bye the world you deal witg sweetheart this is why I'm deciding to keep you hear overtime and place you on suicide watch so you can get back in order"

Brie couldn't believe her father how he never support any way he betrayed by her dad sister just by everyone her dad left leaving brie in a quiet room alone she drifts off to sleep hearing the door squeak open she sees roman with some flowers he bought for her

"Hey I bought these for you how are you feeling"

"Not great I feel my life and everyone in it just betrayed me and now I'm all alone with no one here by me" she said in tears that fall across her face

"You're wrong I'm still here brie I'm not leaving you to fight this alone all you gotta do is keep holding on we still have a baby to raise remember if you're not going to do it for you or me do it for yourself"

"Do you see this roman this ugly crooked lines are the reason I'm in pain and what's bad about it your the line I drew that landed me in here" she said

"Brie you gotta stop blaming me for this you're are not the only one that's hurting here I'm hurtig because I have to sit and watch the woman I love so much go through suffering and pain knowing you are putting so much stress not on yourself but the baby to just brie"

"If you feel that way why don't you just leave and never come back in my life forever"

Brie suddenly realize what she said looking into her loves eyes seeing that she just broke his heart

"Is that what you want me to do brie"

"I'm talking to you brie is that.."

"Yes just leave me alone roman go away go be that golden boy.of your family" she shouted

Roman walks up to brie's bedside kissing her but only for her to push him away he walks towards the door getting one last look before walking out for good maybe her life

She gets out of the bed taking the flowers roman bought for her throwing them in the trash she looks at the hallway seeing it empty she walks into the hall sliding down the wall breaking down in her own tears seeing that she has no one and the onpy person she had walk out of her life because of her pain she took it out on him now she just a lonely person with no one for her to here her scream for help

I know my family was never theyr when I was in my darkest hour the live of my life was their through my pain but I rejected him from every being their for me and now I sat in this room nit to hear my sister gloat about he luis vuitton merchandise to wake up with the sounds of harley quinn on tv or the see the beautiful face of my former love to love me and cherish my ever need but instead I erased them from my memory now I'm the lonely girl with no life to be share by anyone or myself just the sound of the loneliness feeling inside me

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