Sibling Rivalry

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It was volleyball practice brie was the best server and spiker on the team she was going for the spike hitting the ball it ended up hitting another player in the face which turns out to be her sister nikki the team enrupts in laughter before being sent to the lockerroom brie tries to help her sister up before she snatches away from her leaving her by herself

Brie heads to the lockerroom taking her shower she comes out to her locker where the team including nikki was standing at her locker she opens it and a pile of what looks like puke comes pouring out with her clothes drench with the stuff

"Ouch I guess that one hurted" nikki said she took a volleyball hitting brie in the face making her fall in the puke the video crew shoted everything sending it to everyone in school

Brie walk home in the rain feeling as if the sky told her how she feel she reach her house walking in ignoring the hi's her family gave her she went to in the shower washing the gross stuff off her body

She sits on her bed before looking at her night stand seeing a picture of her sister and her hugging she grabs it staring at it capturing the feeling until she slams it on the floor breaking the picture frame she took the picture out ripping it into pieces flushing it down the toilet

The next day the lunch cafeteria pull a stunt on brie impersonating her throwing up in the bathroom floor videos where being showed all on social media and YouTube even her nude photos are grabbing the attention of the world

Brie seen her sister sitting at the table with summer and her friends she walks over but roman stops her from making a scene

"You don't wanna do that just let it go"

"I don't care what happens I need to tell her off"

"Do you remember your carrying a human inside you"

Brie didn't listen to roman she walks away from him approaching the table with everyone's eyes on her

"Nikki what you doing with summer and her friends didn't you forget that she was the one that called you fat"

"She gave me a wake up call and now thanks to her my body looks better than ever"

"Look nikki if this is about the volleyball incident than I'm sorry for that but that doesn't change what you did to me I thought we were sisters" brie said with tears coming to her eyes nikki stood in front of her staring at her sister with dagger eyes

"I don't have a sister well beside aj but you are not my sister I wish you would've just died in the womb"

With that nikki pushes her sister against two garbage cans having the trash fall on her the crowd explode in gasps as they watch the two bellas become one

Roman walks over to brie picking her up he walks with brie shoving through the crowd of people taking pictures he drives brie home she goes to the bathroom locking the door she looks at her face in the mirror seeing her eyes all puffy

She opens the medicine seeing a bunch of razors and prescription pills she grabs them setting down in the sink pressure was starting to build she was on a verge of committing suicide she than starts tossing everything all over the room having a breakdown

"Baby brie open the door"

Brie tosses the rest of the pill bottles down the drain she looks at the mirror looking at her reflection she balls her hand into a fist smashing her hand against the mirror breaking it eventually cutting herself

She grabs a whole bunch of tissue applying it to her injury while sitting in the bathtub roman was able to break down the door he rush to brie's aid he carries her to her bed grabbing the first aid kit wrapping up her hand

"I don't think I should live anymore roman I'm just a disgrace to everyone nikki was right I've should've just died in the womb"

"Brianna bella you listen me you are the most beautiful and loving person in my life everything that happened to you shouldn't happen but it did but the most incredible thing I see is that you'll always fine a way to fight back that's what makes you a strong person brie that's what makes me fall in love with you" he tells her wiping the tears from her face he grab her good hand making her feel her stomach knowing theirs a baby inside she smiles a little he gives her a kiss on her cheek

"I love you and I love our little girl or boy"

"Omg you knocked up my sister to yep you should've died"

Brie was know crying once more as she sees her sister smiling at her knowing that wasn't the nikki bella she knows no longer exists

My sister and I were close when we were little until aj came into the picture we still had that feeling but not to much but today me and nikki only see each as brie and nikki not brie and nikki nikki and brie or the bella twins just plain old brie and the fearless nikki bella who doesn't know that she has a twin

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