I. Hero

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"You gotta stop following me like I'm some goddamn lost puppy, it's really getting on my nerves." Bucky had his back turned from you, his lips sucked deep beneath his teeth, trying his best to not say anything otherwise. You sat patiently on his bed, waiting for him to give you at least something to work with rather than his stubbornness he had been giving you lately. His eyes were fixated on the little tag that hung from his neck, the memories flashing before his eyes as he stood there, the silence eating the both of you up.

"James, I know how hard it is fo-" Just as you broke the ice, he lifted a finger, not wanting you to finish whatever it was that you were going to say. Instead, he laughed, his eyes watering out tears as he tried to set this huge masculine play on himself but it took nothing more than everyone cheering for Captain America, his best friend, Steve Rogers to burn those walls. He slowly turned to you, his other hand still holding unto the tags.

"I always protected him.. He was my best friend, anyone who picked on him - picked on me. The thought of anyone harming a hair on that kids head, I mean.. I was the only person there for him, you know? The only person who never gave up on him.. I saved him, not once - not twice, but many times." All it took was one look from you and he was gone, Bucky's face said it all. "I was the one who got my hands dirty, I killed people, I-I did things that nobody in their right mind can ever understand, like do you know how it feels to have this huge infamy just sitting on your shoulder, Y/N? It's godawful. But hey, what do I know, huh? I'm just a Camp kid.. I'm no hero to them, Steve Rogers is.."

Your heart shattered into billions of pieces at he tore himself up, degrading himself as he kept going on and on. You approached him slowly, his eyes never leaving yours as you slowly wrapped your arms around his waist, your forehead laying gently on his, the tears that threatened to leave his eyes no longer there as you lightly swipe it away, your thumbs blandly soothing his scruffy face.

"You saved me." The frown lines on his face slowly churned into a beautiful smile, his eyes fading back to the beautiful stormy blue sea, the tremble on his lips fading as he reached in closer to you. He may be the one with dirt on his hands, the one with a goofy smile, the one with a troubled past but overall, the only one in the end who could have really saved you was him. His love, his passion, his heart and soul, that was all that you needed, you needed him and when you couldn't take it anymore - he was there, not only for you but for all of those in need of help.

"And all the others, you saved them too, Buck. You may not see it, but you are the hero. You're my hero, Buck.. and I wouldn't change that, not even for Steve." You closed the air between you two, your lips fitting oh so perfectly on his. He smiled through the kisses, trying too hard to hard not to ruin the moment with the sudden level of confidence roaming through his body. His body heat radiating over yours as the two of you were closer, each kiss pulling you in deeper. As soon as he parted from you, catching his very last breath before kissing you once more, he wrapped his fingers in between yours, his eyes staring between you and your beautifully plumped lips. "Stay with me, don't go anywhere.."

You smiled, dragging Bucky to the sheets with you, deliberately removing one strand of clothes at a time, your eyes never leaving his. The two of you finally thin out of clothes, your head laying on his shoulder, his lips against your jawline,  moving his way back to what he longed for. Before kissing him again, you grabbed him between your hands, your hands cupping each side of his cheeks, taking in his beauty before going any further. "I'm not going anywhere.." You rushed your fingertips over the strands of hair covering his eyes, your heart melting the longer you stared into them. You kissed him once more before moving your body on his. The night going on, to the two of you making the most passionate love ever, leading to endless nights just like this one.

Bucky may have been just some Camp kid, but he was more than that. He was a hero, to many, including you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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