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I smiled to myself as I got ready for my date. Today was my 2 year anniversary with my boyfriend. He and I had been dating since we were 14. I had liked him since 6th grade, but he never seemed to notice me, no matter how hard I tried. He was the best looking guy in our grade, super athletic, and he was super smart. He dated so many girls, but never girls like me. I knew I was crazy for liking him, he was popular and so out of my league, but I couldn't help it. I did everything to make him not notice me; I joined cheer, got contacts, put on more makeup, became more popular. It was a lot of work, but it was all worth it. When he FINALLY asked me out in 8th grade, you can't even begin to imagine how happy I was. Imagine meeting Zac Efron and him bringing you pizza and multiply that feeling by ten thousand. That's how in love with him I was at the time and still am. I honestly can't picture myself with anyone else. He is perfect for me.

I stared at my reflection, making sure I looked as perfect as possible. I smoothed down my dress and raked my fingers through my hair. Even though I knew I was in love with him, I had never told him to his face. Tonight was the big night. I could already picture the moment. I would tell him and then he would kiss me and and tell me he loves me back, his blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight. Then we would kiss again and watch the stars the stars together. It was going to be perfect.

With a deep breath and a final glance in the mirror, I started down the stairs. I got in my car, and started the engine. My car was one of my favorite things right behind my boyfriend and my family, of course. It was a white jeep and I loved it to death. I had gotten it as a present for my 16th birthday, which was a couple weeks ago, along with my license.

I was singing along to "Sugar" by Maroon 5 at the top of my lungs like a crazy person, but I didn't care because I was so happy and excited. I looked up at the dashboard and saw an old picture of us. We were laughing and holding onto each other. He had given me that picture for my car a few days after I had gotten it. Tonight I was driving to our "spot" by the lake. I stopped at a red light and the song ended and I laughed to myself at my terrible singing. Just as the light was about to turn green I turned my head. Then my heart stopped. It felt like it had been ripped out of my chest and someone had stomped all over it. There he was. But he wasn't alone . He was with her. HER. A frantic series of honks startled me out of my trance. I looked up alarmed and saw bright headlights right in front of me and then everything went black.

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