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                Two years later

I woke up with a pounding headache. I had vague recollections of what happened the night before I blacked out. I remembered strobe lights and loud music. And dancing. And LOTS of tequila. My friend Ashley had somehow gotten us into a club last night.

I moved to take a step out of bed and groaned in pain. Hangovers were the worst. To make matters worse I had school today. Taking a deep breath I got out of bed wincing with every step. I got into the bathroom and stared at my reflection. My blonde hair, which I had attempted to curl last night, looked like a family of mice had made their home in it. My blue eyes were bloodshot and puffy. There were bags under them from lack of sleep and I looked like a rabid raccoon. My red lipstick was smudged across my face. I was a mess.

I splashed cold water on my face and reached for the bottle of Advil on the vanity. I grabbed two and swallowed them down. It was going to be a long day. After cleaning up my face the best I could, I threw on a pair of black leggings and an oversized hoodie over my sports bra, not even bothering to look for a t-shirt. I put my hair up in a messy bun, threw on some sneakers and got out of the house before my mom noticed my appearance. I still found it hard to believe she never caught me sneaking out or wondered where I was all the time.

Outside the house, waiting for me was Vanessa in her black jeep. I got in her car and collapsed.

"God you look like trash, Violet"

"Wow, really? I didn't know." I said rolling my eyes. "Just shut up and drive."

"Someone's got their panties in a twist,"  Vanessa grumbled under her breath.


As soon as we got to school, I immediately spotted Ashley's red hair and petite figure deep within in a sea of boys. She was flirting with some guys on the basketball team. Figures. We make our way over her. Somehow Ashley manages to look hot even after drinking and dancing until 3 am last night. She is standing there in a miniskirt and tube top and her hair is curled perfectly. Not only that but she is also wearing 5-inch platform heels. If that girl wasn't my friend, I would have hated her. Then I remember that I'm just like her. But less pretty. And peppy. And cheerful. And friendly. The sea of boys around Ashley parts as we make our way towards her.

"Hi girls! You know Ashton and Parker right?" she asks.

I don't really know either of them on a personal level, but I play along anyway.

"Hey, Guys! You had an awesome game on Friday!" I say imitating Ashley's perkiness.

"Thanks!" one of them replied; I think it was Parker, but honestly I didn't know and I definitely didn't care; he wasn't that hot.

The more attractive guy started to talk. "Are you girls coming to my party this weekend?"

This one was Parker then. I had heard about his party earlier this week. It was supposed to be the "party of the year".

"Def-" Ashely giggled and started to say, but I shot a quick glance at her and shut her up.

"We might stop by." I replied.

"Okay, cool. See you around." The boys left with confused looks on their faces.

Ashley turned around with an annoyed look on her face. "Why did you do that?!?" She whined as she pouted "Those guys were totally hitting on me." She said, her voice starting to hit a bitchy pitch.

"Relax," I said with disinterest. "Guys like the chase. I would know. And plus Ashton kisses like a dog."

"Yeah, I'm sure you would know." Vanessa said finally joining the conversation."Seeing as you've slept with practically every decent looking guy in our grade."

"So what? At least I'm not a prude."

"Oh yeah, because being a slut is SO much better."

I turned away and began to walk to class. I muttered under my breath when I was sure no one could hear me. "Yes; to me it is."


I ended up skipping first period. In fact, I ended up skipping all my classes up until lunch. Instead, I sat in the back of the nurse's office taking a nap. She and I were good friends, we were on a first name basis and everything. Plus my teachers all excuse my absences when I'm in there, which meant my mom never found out about me skipping class.

I walked into the cafeteria and looked around for my friends. I saw them and started to make my way over to them only to be stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist.

"Hey, baby."

I instantly cringed at the sound of his voice. I turned around and rolled my eyes. "Go away, Mike."

"Baby, don't be like that," he said not letting me go.

"Let go of me, Mike," I said with a little more force and I pulled myself out of his grip. I put on a fake smile and kept walking as if nothing had happened. I couldn't let anyone see how badly that encounter had shaken me. I was so deep in my thoughts, I didn't notice the person in front of me, who I ran into.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" I yelled at the stranger in front of me. At first, I was angry, but that anger was quickly replaced by curiosity as I met his hazel eyes. This sounds cliche, and believe me, it's not something I would normally say, but this guys' eyes sparkled. Not like glitter or whatever but with intelligence, like he knew something I didn't. Actually, now that I got a good look at him, he was rather attractive. Who was this guy? I thought I knew pretty much everyone, but I guess not. He was built, but not in a football player, super obvious way; it was more subtle. His jawline was angular and defined and his hair was chestnut brown. I felt myself melt a little but quickly caught myself. I couldn't fall like that again. The impact of the last time still haunted me and I had promised myself that I would never feel like that again. Broken, in a million pieces, no one to pick them up and put them back together. Alone and sobbing. I winced just thinking about it. But still, something about this boy intrigued me. He didn't fit the stereotypical boy groups at Lincoln High. He definitely wasn't a jock, but he was a nerd either. Maybe he was a musician? No, maybe a stoner? I got lost in my thoughts once more, when he cleared his throat, bringing me back to reality.

"Uhhhhh...... Why are you staring at me?" he said with a hint of annoyance in his voice, whilst giving me a strange look. I hadn't felt this nervous since the first time I talked to him. This was bad. Really bad. Words.  I needed words. And to get away from whoever this was as soon as possible.

"I-I'm not. Just watch where you're going, okay?" I stuttered trying to play off my clumsiness. I turned, but I still felt his eyes following my movements. I feel nothing. Nothing matters. He doesn't matter anymore. Those phrases repeated in my head like a mantra. I slowly walked away, trying to look nonchalant, but feeling more shaken than ever. I never stuttered, what was wrong with me? Pull yourself together, I scolded myself, feebly attempting to get myself under control, but it was too late. I could already feel myself cracking, crumbling. My eyes started to water and a single tear fell down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly making sure that no one saw. I couldn't let them see me like this. More tears were starting to fall, and my leisurely walk turned into a sprint down the empty halls. There was no way I was going to make through the rest of the day. I needed to get out of here before I shattered completely.


Hi Guys!

Did you like my dramatic ending? You probably didn't, but it was fun to write!:) If you are reading this, thank you, thank you, thank you! <3 Please comment with any suggestions or comments and I'll post as soon as possible with the next chapter. I'd love to hear some feedback and I'm always open to your suggestions. I'm going to dedicate this chapter to sdf150 because she is one of my best friends and biggest fans. I love her to pieces and am so blessed to have her as a friend.



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