Wedding Day<3

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Please Read! (I didn't know what you guys wanted. Usually Andy or Ashley are in a dress but I'm not big on that so I put them both in tuxes. I hope you guys are okay with that:/)

I walked back and forth around the small room. Ella just finished my tie and I couldn't wait. But on the other hand I could feel sweat beading on my forehead. I'm so nervous! What if I mess up? Forget my vows? I'm so worried!


It was a black suit with a dark purple tie,

and a purple flower, the same shade, in my front pocket. It was awesome, I bet Andy got some batman suit. Hes adorable. "Ash you ready?" "Yeah."

I followed her to the main area and stood in my spot, smiling at my grandparents who showed up. We were getting married at the beach I proposed at and my grandmother was marrying us. Andy's parents were here too and we were all excited.

When it was time my grandmother quickly ran to her spot by the podium. I heard the song Skin by Sixx AM come on and smiled, looking at the band who was motioning towards the music and smiling like idiots.

I watched the band come up and stood in their spots, my best man Jinxx. Andy's is CC and Jake is the ring barrier. We chose my cousin to be flower girl, shes 7, and Sammi, Lauren and Ella were the maids of honor for both of us. They worked hard for this wedding, for us and I am thankful.

After a couple more minutes I heard piano and slowly I saw Andy and his mom come from around the tree. He was so close to her. I smile at him and as he smiled back it was breath taking. He was in a solid black tux, black tie with a rounded, perfect sized batman pin on it. He was also wearing his batman converse and some hand gloves that cut off at the fingers. I watched as he walked down and got up to me. I grabbed his hand and helped him up the step, pecking his lips. "Hello gorgeous." He blushed and I whispered in his ear. "Too bad I have to rip that tux tonight." He blushed deeper and grabbed his face before we got to our spots and I grabbed his hands. My grandmother smiled before starting to speak.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the beautiful relationship of Ashley Purdy and Andr- Andy Biersack." Everyone laughed before she continued. "They have been through hell and back but are sill going strong and their love is as tight as ever. They both have their hearts dedicated towards the other and promise their lives to each. They have done everything in their power to get thus far and this proves much more than trust."

She went talking beautifully for a while until we got to our vows. I smiled before speaking. "Oh baby, I am speechless. From the moment in the bathroom I knew that I was going to help you. In my mind I said he will be mine and I will start a family with this man, I will take care of him until my passing day." His face dropped a little but I continued. "And I still believe in that, I know that I will always be here. You are beautiful and smart, and talented, and just perfect. You are much more than I could ever be and I am shocked at the fact that you love me back. Today will be forever my greatest day because todays the day that we start our forever. Todays the day that I can finally start holding you and kissing you and just show you all my love for you. I couldn't imagine a second of my life without you in it. I know we will get through whatever obstacles get in our way. So all in all Angel, I loved you before, love you now, and will continue to love you to death and beyond."

His eyes brimmed with tears and that beautiful smile rested perfectly on his lips. How did I manage some one so beautiful?

"Oh Ashy.. You stole my words eight out of my mouth!" I laughed at his cuteness and massaged his fingers. "I can't even express in words how much you mean to me because you are that perfect. I was planning on leaving the band.. And earth after tour but you came and saved me like batman. You stitched all my wounds closed and you helped me get through." he started to cry and I felt tears in my own eyes. "Without you my life is shit, without you my life is empty. You mean the world to me Ashy and I will always love you. I can't wait for our life together and I can't wait for what the future has in store for us. I love you s-s-o m-uch."


I pulled him into a hug and just held him as my grandma continued.

"In the power invested in me I now pronounce you Ashley and Andy Purdy husband and husband. You may now kiss your bride." Everyone laughed at that as we immediately connected our lips. I tasted his tears and Licked up his face, making him giggle in the cutest way ever. "I love you, don't you ever forget." He smiled before kissing me again and I swooped him up in my arms.

Sex- I mean honey moon time! Wait. No I didn't, I meant sex :P


Was that good? thats my first wedding ever. I'm sorry if it was bad :(

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