Nothing Has changed!

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Chapter 1

       “Nothing has changed! You’re the same old jerk that you were before. I don’t know why I trusted you again.” I yelled at the jerk that I called my boyfriend for the second time. Before this I had found out that he was cheating on me. So of course I broke up with his “sorry” ass. He then found a way to get my new number that I got because of him calling me and texting that he was “sorry and that he wasn’t going to do it again and that I should take him back. He got a hold of me. Then everything changed. My life flip upside down.

         When we talked this was the first thing that he said, “After we broke up, I didn’t know what to. I didn’t go out with my friends. They started to get worried about me. They tried to get me to see other people but I just couldn’t go on other dates, I only thought about you. They told me that I should come and talk to you and tell you how I feel. I am very sorry about what I did, but I’ve changed. I don’t care if you don’t still feel the same way but I love you, and I’m sorry.”

         After we talked, I started to do some thinking about my life and my mood after the break up. I did a lot of thinking. A LOT! For some odd reason I took him back thinking that he really did change. He cheated on me again with the same and a new one. When I caught him with the first girl he had told me that he came over to talk to her and that she had come on to him and she would not let him go. He said that it would never happen again. I thought he was telling the truth. The second girl that he cheated on me with hurt the most. He had cheated on me with my “best friend”. When I found them I made sure they saw me first then I walked away didn’t say nothing didn’t do anything. I wasn’t going to hear some story that they make up right then and there. I didn’t talk or see one of them after that day. They tried to talk and see me but I know how to stay away from people I don’t like. I did a lot of thinking after that day. I wanted to get away from this place. Away from Chandler and mona.

         “Mom please. Can we move?” I tried to get it in her mind that we have nothing here that is keeping us.

         “Why?” she answered stopping what she was doing.

         “You remember Chandler, right?”

         “The jerk that you dated like six months ago and he cheated on you. Yeah I remember. Why? What did he do? Are you guys dating again?”

         “Well……….He wanted to meet up a while ago. I did. He explained everything that he felt after the break up and he said he was sorry.” I went on to tell her everything that happened.

         “That is what happens when you date a guy that dosent really care about you. When you’re father comes home, I will take to him”

         “Mom, Dad could come home tomorrow or in a year. I need to get away from here, like now.” My father is in the army and he was over seas at the moment.

         “We don’t need to worry about moving right now. We just need worry about what do you want to do for you’re birthday in just about week. Do you have any ideas about you’re birthday party?”

         “I’m going to go take a shower.” I hadn’t even had any ideas for my birthday.

         My dad was away and had been away for a long time. I lost track of the time after about five months. The only I was really worried about was that my father was going to miss my birthday for the third year and I hope he was going to at least send me a card. The past two years, he didn’t bother to call, or even send a card. Whenever it was my mother’s birthday, he always comes home. It was my fifteenth birthday in five days. I didn’t care about what we did for my birthday. I missed him. I thought about him a lot when he was away. He had missed so much that happened in my mom’s and mine life. I worried about when he came home that him and my mom weren’t going to like them each as much like they did before he went out. The only thing that scared me the most is something that would change everything.

I worried at the fact he could be dead

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