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Chapter 5

After about an hour or two, I lost count because Elena and I fell sleep. I was awake but Elena was still sleeping when a nurse came out and said Seth (elenas boyfriend) name. So I woke her up, she jumped when she saw that the nurse was standing there. 

“Anything new yet? Is he wake?” She said still kind of tried.

“I’m so sorry but Seth…..he is hasn't woken up yet. It looks like the car hit the right spot on his head and set him into a deep coma. We do not know when or if he will wake up from it. You may going into his room now. He might be able to hear you but we can not tell.” She had just finished talking when Elena was opening the door to Seth’s room already. She was very quick because of athletic trait.

I walked over to his door and looked into the window to see Elena holding his hand and either praying for him to wake or crying. I knew that she needed a friend right now, so I walked into the room. I walked over and put my hand on her back and when my hand hit her back, she jumped.  I felt so sorry for her, because I could not give her any advice on what it was going to be like because I have never been in this situation. 

“Do you want some time alone with him? I can go and grab you some coffee from down stars?” I said trying to help her.

“Yeah, I would love a cup of coffee. The normal you know an Ice coffee caramel extra cream extra sugar, thanks.” She said with a fake smile at the end.

“Alright I’ll be back after.” I said taking my hand off her back and walked out the door. 

I walked over to the elevator, I had to wait a while because when I got there, the elevator had just left. The whole time that I was waiting for the elevator to come back up, I was thinking about how I had never saw her this sad before and that she must really love him if she was acting that way.

The elevator had finally gotten there, and right when the doors were about to close, I really cute boy got in the elevator with me. It was just me and him, I tried not to blush when he looked at me. We started to go down to the cafe when all of the sudden the elevator stopped. Over the intercom in the elevator someone said “Sorry for your inconvenice but the elevator has run into some problems. It may take a couple of hours for it to start working.” Then that was the last thing we  heard from the man for the rest of the time that we were in the elevator. It was very quiet for about 15 minutes.

Until I finally said “Hi, I’m Crystal.” I said trying not to be weird or anything.

“I’m Ian.” He said nice and quick. His voice was so sweet and was so peaceful, i bet he could calm anyone down with that voice. His hair was a brown in a nice kind of short and kind of long and it was all messy. From what I could see he had a nice body. 

“So” I said just trying to make a conversation.

“How old are you? I’m 16 1/2.” he said finally looking at me and his eyes were so amazing. A nice brown color.

“Im 16 1/2 too. Do you live around here? Ive never seen you in school.”

“Yeah. I live near the high school. But I do not go to the schools here. I go to the private school a little out of town.”

“Wait, I live on that same street. Who do you live near? Thats so weird that I have not seen you before.”

“I’m on the end of the street. The house next to me is being sold so I do not have a neighbor.”

We kept talk about all of that and it turns out that he live just a couple of houses down from me but on the other side that I’m on. It was might have been 1 hour before the elevator started to work again. We ended up going into the cafe and sat down at a table and we talk for what I think was 2 hours. After that I then saw the Elena had come down to the cafe.

“I thought that you were going to bring me a coffee? What happen? It has been about 3 hours from when you left.” She said walking over to me before she saw that I was sitting next to Ian. We had so mush in common.

“I know im sorry, but the elevator stopped for about an hour and me and Ian were stuck in the elevator. Then we sat down and talked and lost track of time. How is he doing? Anything new?”

“No, nothing has changed in him.” She said sitting down next to me.

“I do not mean to be rube but what happened? Why are you two here?” Ian said

“My boyfriend got into a car crash and it was pretty bad and now he is in a coma.” She said. It looked like she got her feelings under control because she didn't start to cry when he asked.

“Oh, well I am very sorry and I hope that he gets better soon.” He said.

“Thank you. Well I better get back up there in case he wakes up. Will you be up there soon?” She asked me while getting up from her chair and pushing it in.

“Yeah.” I said back.

Then about 30 minutes passed before we both realized that we should go back up to the floor. I really liked him. He was very sweet. He had the best smile that you ever did see. His eyes were the perfect color of brown. I thought to my self saying that I thought he was the one for me. Then I thought that no will ever find the one in this world. We got up from our chairs and walked over to the elevator. “Wait are you sure that you want to go back on the same elevator after being stuck for an hour?” He said giving be a weird look but I guess that he was right. 

“Yeah, your right. stairs?” I asked him. Saying that someone else but myself was right was pretty hard for me because I hated to say that someone was right.

“Can I say something? But you can not get all freaked out when I say it, ok?” I said to him as we walked over the stairs.

“Im all ears.” He said giving me a smile.

“I feel like I can be a different person with you. I do not have to be the person that people think I should. I can say what ever I want with be worried about being stared at weirdly. I know that it is crazy to say because I just met you and all but its true.” I said hoping that he would not think im being weird.

“Why would you think I would get all freaked out over that? I mean, I feel the same way. Once you meet someone, how ever you acted that day is how people are going to see you forever. Once they get an image of what they think you are, they will not let you change who you are with them. I hate when people do that.” He said. I glad that he felt the same way because I need a friend right now. Someone that I could vent to and they would sit there and listen and tell me what to do about it.

We finally got to our floor and went our different ways. When I got to the room as I opened the door, I saw Elena turn to me and smile. I could also see that she might have been crying. I was really hoping that he had woken up from his coma by now. She got up from where she was sitting and walked over to me.

“He’s awake.” She crying. “But he does not remember me or what this name is. The doctors do not know if he will ever get his memory back.” She said falling into my arms and cry for another hour or so.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2014 ⏰

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