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Sam woke up again to an amazing smell of ramen and beef.

Sam opened his eyes and found that he was sitting up again and that his bandages had been changed again.

Kakashi eye smiled and put the bowl on the table beside Sam to move it closer to him as he sat on the bed.

Sam smiled. "Th..thank...you...k...kashi..." He winced slightly as his throat was still brusied and torn up from being tortured.

Kakashi pushed some hair out of Sam's face and nodded. "Will you be able to eat some of the soup?"

Sam nodded with a small smile. He would certainly try.

Kakashi fed Sam the soup slowly and bite after bite making sure he didn't hurt Sam's throat more.

Sam sighed in bliss as the ramen was heavenly to him.

When Sam was done eating he had only finished half the bowl while Kakashi ate the other half with his mask down as he watched out of the corner of his eye Sam staring lovingly at Kakashi.

Nobody bothered the two all day.

Kakashi laid Sam back down on top of him as he tucked Sam's head under his chin with his mask back up as he wrapped his arms lightly around Sam's waist as the younger male fell back into slumber.

Kakashi ran his hand through Sam's hair slowly as not to wake him.

Sam felt comfort and warmth as he laid a top of Kakashi somewhat as he fell deep into sleep.

Sam didn't feel scared or cold.

He didn't even get any nightmares when Kakashi stayed beside him. He made him happy and safe.

Kakashi stayed up as he watched Sam's breathing to make sure he doesn't have any nightmares or stops breathing in the middle of the day.

Sam's minor wounds started to look healed as well as his bruises. His deeper cuts and broken bones would take a few more days but otherwise seemed fine as he slept.

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