The Final Battlefield

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"I'm dead," you exclaim, collapsing onto your back and sprawling out on the grass surrounding the hideout.

For the past few hours your group had been sparring in the yard, practicing magic and taking breaks to help the Trio test out their skills with their Keyblades. They're quick and unbelievably strong, just like Sora and Roxas.

"I hope you're not!" a voice calls out, and your eyes snap open.

One leg is on either side of your head, and you release a shriek as you crawl up onto your knees, realizing that someone is standing right over you.

"A SOLDIER must be prepared for any situation; you can't be caught off guard like that, [Name]," Zack scolds as Reno shoots you a smirk.

"I scared ya, huh?" the redhead teases, holding out a hand for you. With narrowed eyes you accept his gloved hand, squeaking a bit in surprise as he quickly pulls you to your feet. "You guys need to get ready. We're leaving now."

"Leaving where?" Roxas asks, his eyes trailing down to yours and Reno's clasped hands.

"Where do you think? The final battlefield," Cloud replies as you slowly slip your hand free of Reno's grasp.

"Already?" Xion asks, sitting up from her lying down position.

"We've really just been biding our time until the Originals were ready to be woken up. They're the last piece of the puzzle," Genesis explains nonchalantly, glancing down at Ven, Terra, and Aqua.

"We're 'the Originals'?" Terra guesses with a tick of his eyebrow, resting an elbow on his knee as he sits on the unkempt grass.

"There's been other Keybearers before us," Aqua points out matter-of-factly.

"But they're gone. You're all we have left," Leon argues.

"Plus, you've all fought Vanitas before. We can't fight him, he's too strong. It has to be Ven," Noctis states with a knowing glance towards the frowning blond.

"Yeah, another fight with the manifestation of the darkness in my heart. Can't wait," Ven retorts dryly, his gaze locked on a swaying tree in the distance.

Your eyes widen slightly. So that's what Vanitas is...? Explains why he looks just like Roxas and Sora, with the worst attitude you've ever come across.

"Are you guys ready?" Sora asks cheerfully, breaking the silence as he glances around.

"Yeah, let's get this over with," Axel agrees, nodding his head towards the Gummi Ship hovering in the distance.

"Where are we going?" you ask as your group starts to slowly trail towards the ship.

You push back suffocating thoughts that this resembles a march to your destruction.

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