Chapter Two

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By the time the Hogwarts Express reached the school, dusk was just beginning its weary expedition into night.

After her peculiar discussion with Draco Malfoy, Annabelle had sat silently in the cushioned booth, not bothering with the few attempts at conversation Evelynn had presented on the journey.

Better Evelynn believes I'm shy than they both have to deal with my stumbling over words. Annabelle thought to herself along the way, trying to ignore the prying eyes of Draco that seemed to never leave her person. They were inquisitive, attempting to see all of the things she was trying to hide.

When they arrived at Hogwarts, Annabelle's eyesight was swarming with black dots from the continuous action of staring at her dark school robes. She stumbled off of the train among the swarms of excited first years and laughing fourth years, trying her best to hide within the masses.

"All fers' years, come this way, if ya will!" Hagrid's deep voice echoed over the sounds of laughter and vigourous chatter, catching Annabelle's attention as she ventured towards the carriages that would take them over the water and to the school.

They were pulled by Thestrals, their skeletal bodies looking gaunt in the darkness of night. Their faces were similar to that of a dragon's - long, with a brooding quality to them. The wings that hung off their inky skin were thick and looked strikingly similar to leather - rough and impenetrable.

They were said to be a 'bad omen' and were quite dangerous unless under a specific type of care. Yet, many wouldn't ever know. You have to have seen death to be able to see a Thestral.

And Annabelle could see these very clearly.

She walked slowly towards the carriages, her large robes seeming to swallow her and leave her invisible among the throng of witches and wizards running to board the coaches, completely unaware of the animal representing death pulling on the reins.

Her heart sped up as she reached the first open door of the first carriage, peering inside with her green eyes to survey the people within.

A small lantern hanging on the wall inside cast light shadows on the faces of the people, and it was easy to see their robes marking them as Ravenclaws.

Annabelle had begun to climb inside when one of the girls spoke, looking to be about fifteen years old, "Sorry, but it seems you can't sit here, Slytherins aren't very welcome." she spoke, her voice carrying a hint of disgust.

"O-Oh, yes, of course." Annabelle said, stepping down from the carriage and hating herself as the words left her mouth. Why am I doing this? she thought, I cannot let myself be pushed around so simply, no matter the occasion.

Still, as she thought this, her mind wandered to the words her parents had repeated endlessly before she'd left. "Don't cause too much attention, Annabelle. You wouldn't want the same thing to happen with Louis to happen to anyone else, would you?"

Her heart beat faster as the words repeated again and again in her head. Louis. Louis. Louis.

"Miss. Maestro!" a voice brought her out of her thoughts and causing her head to snap up towards the authoritative voice. It was Professor McGonagall, a professor who was never the most fond of Annabelle, "I suggest you get into a carriage before you're forced to swim to the school." she flicked her wand towards a carriage, swiftly opening the door, "Ah, here's one with some space, go on up."

Annabelle forced her legs to move, stepping inside of the coach as the door slammed shut behind her and the wheels began to spin forward.

"Anna, how lovely of you to join us!" Draco's voice sprung into Annabelle's ears, his words laced with a tone of snarkiness that seemed to be forced.

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