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When I had changed, I walked out of the room.

The room just seemed to scream SURPRISE!

It was dark blue.

It wasn't white.

Finally! I was starting to think I was going to go blind or something!

As I walked down the hall, I realized I had no idea how to get to the kitchen. Then I smelled something.


I started running until I stopped in the kitchen. I saw Neville sitting at a table by himself and sat down next to him.

"Hello again," I said.

"Hi," he replied. "You said you had a dream that you thought was real?"

"Yeah. It probably wasn't even though it seemed like it was." I paused. "Actually, it didn't seem realistic at all, but then again, my life seems unrealistic."

"My friend Harry used to have dreams that were real all the time." Neville said. "They were always scary, and no one wanted to believe them."

"Okay." I said. "Good to know my dream could have been real."

"What was your dream about?" Neville asked. He sounded as if he was actually interested in my dream."

Why was he interested in my dream?

"Well, there was a hissing voice and I couldn't see who was talking at first. There was another person who the hissing person called Narcissa." I told Neville my dream. It was five minutes until I got to the part where the speaker was revealed. I don't know why it took me so long.

"So then the hissing man stepped out from the darkness. He was very snakelike. He had slits for eyes, was very pale, and had almost no nose.

"He raised his wand and yelled 'Crucio!' And Narcissa fell to the ground, screaming."

Neville's face was white with terror. Neville's grandmother had stopped cooking somewhere in the middle of the story to listen. Even though she tried to hide it, I could tell she was scared and shocked.

"No," Neville's grandmother breathed. "That can't be."

"Relax. It was just a dream." I said.

"I don't think it was," Neville said. "I don't remember seeing you at Hogwarts, or at the war. That would mean that you wouldn't know what You-Know-Who or Narcissa look like." Neville didn't say anything for a second, and then he said, "what kind of supplies did you get? You should probably also be in year seven."

"Lots of the books said "year one", if that's what you mean," I replied.

"But how can this be?" Neville asked his grandmother.

"I don't know. He was dead," Neville's grandmother said.

"I know." Neville said. "He was killed by the Avada Kedavra. Nothing could've saved him. Right? Then again, Harry Potter survived two or three times."

"I know, but that was because of love or something, right? Isn't that what Dumbledore said?" Neville's grandmother asked.

"Yeah." Neville said. "But how can this be? How can he be back? How can You-Know-Who be back?"

Neville sounded really desperate, like he wanted someone to say "April fools!" No one did. Neville's grandmother went back to cooking, but I could tell she was still worried.

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