This is my life.

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So this is a story that is based on the people that have to go through life with everyday bullies. I just thought it would help some people that go through this as well but don't tell anybody. I hope this story helps someone that is going through life with an everyday bully. This is a fiction story so nothing in this story is true. I hope you like it...


Hi, I don't talk to people much. I barely talk to anyone outside of my family. I guess I should tell you a little about myself. Below is all of my information.

Name: Ashley Rose-Marie Collin

Age: 16

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Light Blue

Siblings: Older brother-Tyler

              Older sister-Casandra

Height: 5'2 I'm short for my age

Weight: 100 lbs.

So there's all of my information. I also have a boyfriend named Blake. I hate school a lot! I've never liked school....EVER. I've always been bullied in school. I don't know why. But I am. The bullying started about 2 years ago. It started because I made the mistake of talking about this one girl. Not gonna say her name though. I said that she cheated on her boyfriend with my brother, which she did. I know that because I can tell she sneaks through his window, I know what her car looks like, and I know what her perfume smells like. Me, being the stupid idiot I am, went up to her boyfriend and told him (I'm gonna say her name now)"Rebecca's cheating on you with my brother". I guess she was around and heard me so she walked up to us and said "How the fuck would you know?". I said "Because I'm his sister and we live in the same house dumbass! I'm not dumb!". We got into a fight and thats when it started. When we got done fighting she said "You'll regret you ever said that!"

The next day at school was a living hell. Everyone calling me name like slut, whore, bitch, worthless, stupid, attention whore and other things. I went to sit by Blake in homeroom then this stupid bitch pulls the chair from under me. I fall but Blake helps me up and told the girl to leave me alone.

Blake- Babe are you ok?

Me- Yeah, i'm fine. I'm going to the bathroom.

Blake- Ok, hurry though. Class starts in 5.

Me- Okay.

I went to the bathroom and luckily nobody was in there. I started to cry. Why was everybody calling me names and being so mean? My sister Casandra walked in. Casandra's 18 and well you already know how old I am.

Casandra- Hey, what's wrong Ashley?

Me- Nothing, just Kayleigh.

Casandra- What happened? What did that little bitch do?

Me- All she did was pull my chair out from under me. And, I just miss mom and dad.

Casandra- Ash, we all miss mom and dad. It shouldn't have happened when it did.

Me- Yeah, I have to fix my makeup. Or is it alright?

Casandra- It looks fine.

I forgot to tell you guys that my mom and dad were murdered when I was home with them. I had nightmares about it for about a year. They died when I was 13. I was so scared. But I wasn't stupid, I tried to tell myself that they were alive, but I knew they were dead.

I walked back to class and sat by Blake. He knew I was crying. I knew he could tell.

Blake- Babe, why were you crying?

Me- I miss my mom and dad.

Blake- Oh.

Tyler saw me and came over to me. Tyler's a year older than me but we're in the same class. Anyways, he walked over and hugged me.

Tyler- What's wrong?

Me- I miss mom and dad Tyler.

Tyler- It's been three years already.

Me- I know. But mom was the only one who understood me besides Casandra.

Tyler- Well sorry.

Me- Sorry Tyler. I think I need to go home.

Blake- If you leave, I'm going with you.

Tyler- Pshh, in your dreams. I don't trust you alone with my little sister.

Blake- Don't worry we're not gonna do anything.

Tyler- Better not.

Me-K, I'm leaving.

Tyler- Bye.

We drove home in Blake's car. The car ride was silent. Blake tried to talk to me but I ignored it. We were finally at my house. I felt so tired. I went and laid down. Blake came and laid with me. I loved it when he laid with me. He made me feel warm and safe. Then it was all ruined by getting a text from Rebecca.

The text said "Hey slut. Why'd you go home, to cry to mommy. Oh wait, you don't have a mommy anymore. I told you you'd regret what you said."

I started to cry. Blake asked what was wrong so I showed him the text. He started to hug me and tell me that everything was going to be alright. He went to the store but I stayed home. When he came back he gave me a bag. I opened it and saw my two most favorite things ever! Arizona tea and some JuJu fish.

Me- Thank you sooooo much Blake!!!

Blake- No problem, I know how much you love them.

I kissed Blake for about 5 minutes. Tyler called me but I didnt answer because I knew he would get freaked out and come home. And 10 minutes after I ignored his call, he came home. I knew he would.

Tyler- Ugh, bitch. Don't be like that. I bet you just did that to scare me huh?

Me- No derr Sherlock. Why are you so protective?

Tyler- Duhhhh, its my job. Your my little sister.

Me- Well, I guess you have a point. Now get back to school. You're not the one who's being bullied.

Did I really just tell both of them that I get bullied.

Tyler- What did you just say?

Me- Uhhh, nothing.

Blake- We know you said something, now what was it?

Me- It's nothing.

Both- We know there's something.

They both knew about Kayleigh being a bitch, but they didn't know I got bullied just about every second every day.


Hey guys, if you want any celebrities to magically pop up in the story just let me know. I'll work it out someway. But for now its like midnight so I'm gonna gooooo.

byeeeeee :)

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