This is my life. ~Part 2~

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Me- Its nothing.

Both- We know there's something.


I totally just told them both I get bullied everyday. Kill me now. I ran into the bathroom and locked the door so Tyler or Blake couldn't get in.

Blake- Did she just say?

Tyler- Yeah, I think she did.

I heard a knock on the door. I ignored it. Why should I let them in? It's not like they care anyway.

Tyler- Ash, open the door.

Me- No. Why should I? Nobody cares about me.

Blake- We care. Casandra cares. Justin cares. (there's a celebrity in my story now) Austin cares. (Oh look, there's another celebrity) Niall cares. Harry cares. Zayn cares. Louis cares. Liam cares. (Why not add a whole boyband?:p)

Me- No they don't.

Ok lets get this cleared up. Heres a lost of all my friends and my bestfriends.

Bestfriend: Niall Horan

Friend: Zayn Malik

Friend: Harry Styles

Friend: Louis Tomlinson

Bestfriend: Austin Mahone

Bestfriend: Justin Bieber

Friend/Bestriend: Liam Payne

Hope things are easy to understand now. Anyways, I was ingoring Blake and Tyler. Then I got another text from Rebecca. Before you're wondering'Oh ashley why don't you just block her' everytime I block her she just gets a new number so theres not really a way out of this. I heard Tyler say he was gonna call Niall to come help them get me out of this room.

*convo between Niall and Tyler*

Tyler- Hey dude can you come over and tell Ash that we all care about her?

Niall- Sure.

Tyler- Thanks.

Niall- No problem. I'll be there in 10.

Tyler- Peace

Niall- Bye.

O.M.FREAKING.G. I'll do anything for Niall so I guess i'll come out of the bathroom for him. I heard a knock on the door about 10 minutes after Tyler's phone call with Niall.

Niall- Ashley, open the door.

Me- Why?

Niall- I need to talk to you. Now open the door.

Me- Fine.

I opened the door and let Niall in. I cant help it, its just his Irish-ness that makes him so se-cute. What am I talking about? I cant like Niall. I cant!

Niall- You cant what?

Me- Did I say that out loud?

Niall- Yes. Yes you did.

Me- Ugh, i've gotta stop doing that. So, what did you want to talk about?

Niall- Tyler told me that you were getting bullied everyday.

Me- Oh, yeah. That. Well...


Sorry to leave you guys hanging like this. I have to go to sleep now. If I can ill write more tomorrow after school. But, I'm gonna gooooooo byeeeeeee


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