chapter 6 the forgotten land

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                                                                  Sara's POV

When i woke up in the indian doctor hut i tried to sit up but i couldn.t for two reasons one my left wrist was pratically broken two i was in the nude except for one blanket that was rather small that covered me. So instead of sitting up on the bed I used the blankets and kept my front cover and i leaned over the bed to to if any clothes were left for me. Instead i found a sleeping Peter over by the side so out of pure stupidity and as a last resourt i shook Peter and said

"Peter,PETER WAKE UP!" then Peter shot right up and he looked at me and smiled like an idiot

"Morning Princess I'm glad your awake" then Peter stood up and stood over by my edge of the bed i asked Peter

"what happened after i blackedout?"

"well Fox was stabbed and killed then after that we got you to the indian camp where they told us that you twisted your wrist in the way you fell into the water" i nodded my head to all of this.

when Peter said again

"also the lads and i had a bit of a row and well they try and come see you but they see im here and they just leave twin tries and come anyway but the others pull him away so yeah" i nodded my head when yet again Peter said

"come on princess we have to have a word with Shaka about these dreams we have its getting strange" then peter out streackes his hand towards me I was about to take it when i relized I WAS IN THE NUDE so i didn't Peter looked at me as if i lost my mind then i relized he wouldn't bude without an answer

"Peter i uh cant you see im not really decent at the moment..." then Peter looks at me then he relizes what i mean and says

"oh.... I get it i'll ask if Tigerlily if she has anything you could have"

then Peter left the hut and after he left the lads walk in to see me oh GREAT i will kill myself if the lads saw me in the nude

"ello Sara we're glad your awake you gave us quiet a scare last night" said Nibbs

i just smile and wait for them to leave Twin is about to come and give me a hug when Peter walks in with a white dress for me when the lads see him Curly tells me

"we'll talk to you later Sara" so the lads leave and when they do Peter walk up over to me and asked

"They didn't um... see....anything did they?"

i gave a small chukkle and say

"no they didn't" Peter nods and hands me a small pile of clothes i take a quick look and make sure it has everything i need in it thank god it does i'd hate to aske Peter if he could ask tigerlily for any under stuff or anything I just stare at Peter patiently and he does nothing except stare back

"um... Peter could you uh..."

"Oh yeah right ill just be out side if you need me" and peter then walked out so i start to get dressed

                                                              Peter's POV

when i walked out side of the hut i saw the lads and i talked to them about how it's all of our fault on what happened to Sara and Fox last night they nodded and said they were sorry and I walk back over to the hut and wait then I see my princess walk out in this beautiful dress its all white and strapless is goes down to about her knee length and she has white boots to match she just looks so cute her hair is done in waves with curls at the tips her face just glows off of the sun she smiles and walks over to me I lift her up and spin her around she give her tiny cute laugh and i set her down. Then i do something i haven't done in what feels like forever I kiss her on the lips and when i do a spark starts at my lips and moves down and through out my whole body then i deepen the kiss I feel her hands run through my hair we alternate sides so we can take a breathe but continue this goes on for awhile until I hear a

"um.." and a few giggles

I turn around to see who interupted us only to see the lads looking at us with red faces. My face as does Sara's turns bright red and we just shake it off and i remember we have to talk to shaka about me and Sara's dream of this hooded man I know Sara has had the dream because she talks sometimes in her sleep it's mostly my name but lately it's been "hooded man" she mutters at night.

So we walk over to his hut to see a drawing of the hill in our dream but it looks different

"its just like our dream except the moutains were different in our dream" Sara nodded her head

then tigerlily came in and drew it the way in our dream for us and she tells us she knows this because she hunts and fishes over by this place and she tells us she'll take us there tonight and we say we'll go because i have a feeling we can find a way home through this man so late at night before we go I tell tootles what we are doing and me and Sara will come back for him and the lads if we find a way home he nodds so i go over to Sara and we all paddle over to bull island its late and we have hiked most of the next day and so I told the girls we should make camp and they should rest they nodded tigerlily layeds out a blanket and just fell asleep on it while Sara made a fire and started to cook a meal for us in my opinon Sara is an awesome cook she used to cook for me and the lads when their was nothing to cook like nothing she could make you a meal out of anything and everything.

so after our small dinner me and sara wanted to just look at the stars before bed so we climbed up another tree i played a tune on my flute while she hummed with my it was a tune from our dream then the fairy in our dream came over to us and started swaying she must have gotten spooked by something because she just dashed away me and Sara climbed out of the tree and chased her to this massive wall of trees. Tigerlily was behind us and we climbed up the mile high wall of trees and climbed down the over by then it was afternoon. We walked around the city of trees when me and Sara ran into an old friend dr flour he told us how he came her and then he showed us around he told us he could send us home right now if we wanted I told him that I had to get my friends first when the pirates came.... 

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