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I just want to decicate this chapter to all of you lovely reader and a special thanks to abikind for give me thses ideas a bit a go but never got them till now because of my phone so thank you 💜 please don't for get to vote and comment what you guys think ☺ behonest with me💜 ~Roxy 

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I woke up the next morning like normal but today I had a strange feeling like something was going to happen and not the good feeling ever like a really bad one, but me being me I just carried on getting ready for hell also know as school. I put on my normal nerdy clothes on  my bed and went and got a towel from my towel rack and got a quick 15 minute shower and got ready , then I put on my black old school shoes and got my duffle bag and filled it with my fighting gear and some makeup. Then I went to my safe in my wall and got 25 pounds out and closed it shut , I was done.  I went down stairs and got a apple and went in my fridge and got four bottles of water out and put two in my duffle bag along with my fighting gear and a spare change of clothes to shove in my locker and then I looked at the time on my phone and saw it was 7.55am  and I saw I only had 25  minutes to get to hell so I got my keys and locked up the house and walked to school and as I was walking I felt like I was being watched again so I took my phone out and put my earphones in and play music lowely and carried on walking till I got near school. I  looked at the time and saw it was only 8.05  which ment I had 20 minutes to get to my locker and to class hopefully.
I walked in the school grounds and walked up to the school doors and saw the halls to be crowed as usual , I put my head down and tried to walk past Kate and her minions but obviously I can't because one of her minions spotted me and then showed Kate and when she saw me she came over and said " well girls look who it is again the loser who has no friends or anyone to stick up for her " and that made me mad so I said " I don't need your crap today so just leave me alone bitch" and she looked shocked at first but then quickly recoverd and said " bitch don't you talk to me like that  you slut " then I said with a smirk on my face "look who's talking ,oh yeah wait I forgot your the slut coz you open your legs 24/7 to any lad and never close them , so bitch I don't think you can talk at all " then I looked around and noticed a crowed formed around us and when I looked back at her I could tell she was angry and embarrassed at the same time and I couldn't help but laugh at her. Then when I looked In the crowed I saw the three baboons looking at Kate , but I saw Jared looking at me with a slight smirk on his face so when I saw everyone looking at Kate I disappeared in the crowd of students and hurriedly made my way to chemistry. When I got there no-one was there,  so I got a seat in the back next to the window and took out my phone and scrolled through my play list till I got a song that I liked and it was 'Thinking outloud' and plugged in my earphones and put my head down . Then a couple of minuets later the class bell went off and students can piling in the class room and no noticed me of course because I sat in the back near the window, not really paying attention to the teacher because I have already lernt it this stuff because of my manager Abigail but I call her for short abi. 

Heys guys ,so I know I haven't updated in a long time but I've had writers block so  I couldn't think of anything , and I know its not an excuse but its the truth and I just wanted to say a massive thank you everyone who has stuck by me and for the 808 reads on my book 😊❤ I really can't believe it . you guys are amazing so thank u so as a pay back I am going to be updating as much as I can and I'm gonna update a chapter at 7.50pm today ❤ ~Roxy ❤😘

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