Chapter Three

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15 Reasons to Live © Copyright Brianna Howell 2013

I woke up feeling something cold on my nose. I turned my head away from it, trying to find my way back into the dream.

Something poked my cheek then and I swatted it away hearing a loud thump come from somewhere beside me.

My eyelids were heavy but I forced them open at once. I panicked quietly, not recognizing where I was. "Leave her alone Ben" a voice rang from another room "She's sleeping."

I looked up to see an upside-down, mischievous looking, brown haired boy grinning at me.

I screamed jumping up.

"Where am I?" I asked frantically. I was in an an apartment, and looking out the window I guessed that we were on about the fifth floor. I would definitely not survive if I jumped for this high. I thought cringing.

The boy laughed loudly falling down to the hard wood floor clutching his stomach. What on earth was going on?

Thad appeared from around the corner, coming toward me. "It's ok Abby, you fell asleep in my car last night and I didn't know where else I could take you."

The boy brown haired boy stood up now, still laughing, he wiped tears from his eyes.

I stared at him oddly, not sure of what to say. Thaddeus rolled his eyes. "That's Ben" he said gesturing to the tall scrawny boy.

Ben sauntered up to me, grinning again holding a hand out for me to shake.

"Name's Bentley." He said with a fake New York accent. "Bentley Gordon Davis, official roommate and best friend of the big guy" I shook his hand awkwardly. "I say, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance miss-?." He looked up at me waiting for an answer "Abigail Smith"

I answered.

He leaned down and kissed my hand dramatically. I laughed lightly half grossed out and half amused by his boldness.

Thaddeus slapped the back of his head and Ben closed his eyes and held it with both of his hands looking pained. "Leave her alone you moron" Thad said.

I looked over at him, but he was smiling. I smiled back then turning to Ben. "Bentley?" I asked "like the car?"

He cracked one eye open and straightened up. "Yeah" he said. "My Dad was saving up to buy one when he met my mom. He had to spend all the money when they had me, so he convinced my mom to name me after his dream car." He shrugged.

"Heart warming isn't it?" Thad mused. I giggled "Is it true?" I half whispered to him. "No, I'm pretty sure he's just mental." He whispered back.

Ben squinted his eyes at us. "I can hear you." He said. "And I'll have you know that several girls thought it was touching enough."

Thad shook his head, crossing his arms. "Name two" he challenged.

I looked back to Ben who appeared to be deep in thought. "Jessica Boone" he held up one finger "and her" he finished pointing at me.

I laughed for a few seconds and Ben nodded approvingly at Thaddeus. "Who's Jessica Boone?" I asked absentmindedly.

Thad shook his head quickly and Ben laughed. "Drew's old flame" he said wiggling his eyebrows.

That did kind of make my heart sink for a second, but I reminded myself that I'd just come from things that were a lot worse. Besides he said 'old' anyways.

I chuckled at how strange this all was. It never sounded right to me to call him Drew either.

Thaddeus clapped his hands together

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