(Ƨєνєη) - ̲N̲̲E̲̲V̲̲E̲̲R̲̲!̲̲!̲

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Louis wasn't definitely a person who liked taking risks. Risk means that you're willing to go against all odds. A risk can potentially ruin a person's life, and turn it upside down whenever it pleased. So why is exactly meeting a certain hybrid change his mind?

Disclaimer: All rights belong to me, and the events depicted in any of these chapters should not be taken literally.

Note: So like... slight filler.. If you can call it a filler. Sorry it's late, but I never really get the chance to like write all to myself. I'll try to be more faster with the updates.. but I can't really promise anything. Hope you enjoy this chapter though... I can also feel a slight change in my writing style, so if you notice that, kudos. Writers Craft might be worth taking after all :)) x


"So like I said, I'm not really sure if I approve going out in public right now.. I mean, what if he runs away or something..."

Liam swipes at his face and looks to Niall for a pleading help. "Ni, help me out on this." He pouts annoyingly. Niall looked from me then back to his boyfriend for some type of inner questioning inside his head. "I don't know Li, I mean you said it yourself, lots of hybrids had been like killed on roads because they happened to be strolling by the road, so..." Niall looked sheepishly at Liam, pinching his boyfriend fondly, earning a small huff in response.

"But Ni, think about it, Harry's been cooped up most of the time in this flat like almost 24/7, when is Louis ever going to let him be exposed? He's no pet Ni, he's just like us; with the extra addition of cat ears and tail, but still..." I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance, seeing the point in Liam's argument, but sticking to what I knew was correct. "Liam," I started. "You know we do, like, take him out for lunch, sometimes dinner outside, right? What's there to need risk such factors of having him killed or something, hmm? Can you take responsibility if anything ever happens to him Liam? Will you risk Harry's life so that he can just be 'exposed' like you wanted?"

Liam looked stunned and kept silent, looking down at his hands as they quietly hang lowly to his sides, quietly tapping on them to get his thoughts together.

"Look Louis." He finally looks up. "I understand that you're protective with Harry, really, I do. But keeping him isolated like this can ruin a person's contact with society, it can condemn them to where they stand and they'd just stay there in that one spot for the rest of their lives, do you really want that?" My mouth gaped open to respond but Liam added almost sternly. "You were like him once too, don't let the same thing repeat more than once."

And suddenly, my mind suddenly started buzzing and that familiar ringing in my ears started once again. The darkness that had engulfed me in a never-ending battle against my own mind. I remember the feeling of being stuck in one spot for a very long time, only hearing nothing but my useless thoughts. I remember the casual pleas to try to get their attention; only to be turned down with the cold shoulder. I remember that feeling--I remember that feeling well.

My eyes drifted back to the curly-headed boy that slept in my lap, ears casually twitching, eyelashes fluttering from time-to-time and a slight whistling noise emitting from his parted mouth. Without having the need to respond to the Liam's obvious point, I mindlessly massaged the boy's curls, remembering to scratch at his ears as the tension was unknowingly building up around us.

From where I sat, I could sneak a glance at the couple who looked at each other with furrowed brows as they silently communicated with one another. I could vaguely make out what they were saying, but it was as clear as day that they were definitely talking about me.


"Li, you shouldn't have brought it up, you know how sensitive he gets when you remind him of that." I felt my stomach clenching with the guilt that I felt in that instant that comment left my mouth. "Ni, you know I didn't even mean to, I just.. It doesn't seem fair for Harry to be just stuck in this house the whole time, I mean he's not exactly that fluent with speaking normally around othe--"

"He speaks fluently enough." Louis growls, hearing the obvious comment I made.

"But Lou, he speaks in the third person and--" I tried arguing, but he insisted on continuing to interrupt me.

"No he doesn't, Harry he... For some reason he speaks normally with me." He argues, a slight blush coating his cheeks as the curly haired lad began to stir on his lap, head burrowing further onto Louis' stomach, a small smile unconsciously written on his face. Fortunately though, the lad did not wake up, even if there was an obvious elephant in the room.

Niall snorts beside me, nose burying itself onto my sternum, leaving a small trail of kisses onto it and pulling back with a satisfied smirk, marveling at the reddening of both my face and neck-line. "So he does, does he?" Niall asks, quirking a suggestive brow at Louis, who frowns and his cheeks only got redder as the seconds passed. "Do you reckon that Harry might possibly fancy you?"

"No!" Louis tries defending himself, hoisting to get up and probably punch Niall's arm, but once he noticed that Harry was on his lap, he gave a little guilt-grunt and glared at Niall with a 'I'm going to kill you soon' look. Niall only smirked, throwing an arm around me casually just to taunt Louis. "Well whatever it is... I'm sure it's even labeled as friendship anymore... Maybe boyfriends is the most suitab--" And within a quick second, Louis finally snapped and placed Harry's head into the spot carefully where he sat and punching Niall in the arm so hard, that the boy cringed, clutching at the bruise that began to form almost instantly.

Louis immediately felt bad that the Harry was already clutching for warmth, so he headed back to his original position, a satisfied smirk on his face as he continued rubbing onto the boy's scalp, watching it as Harry's ears began twitching more than normal, almost like he can feel the touch; even in his sleep. I mouthed a silent 'thank-you' to my boyfriend, pecking him on the lips and kissing his bruise a good luck as it starts reddening.

I needed to lighten the mood and Niall contributed immensely (while gaining a bruised arm in the process), is it still possible to 'still' be falling in-love with this boy?"

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