Katrina's POV

"Katrina hurry up!! We're going to be late!!" My best friend Hannah called from downstairs

I looked around my room one last time making sure I packed everything I need, grabbed my suitcase and headed downstairs. Today is the day I'm going on tour with my cousin and his band!
As I walked into the living room, I spotted Hannah, glancing in the mirror re-adjusting her hair.

"You look fine! Brad will love you" I laughed, checking the time on my phone; 13:42, they should be here any minute

"How do you know?! He could think I'm some ugly troll!" Hannah exclaimed, combing her hair with her fingers

"Shh, you're gorgeous, I'm sure he'll love you!" I said as I heard a car horn beep, "They're here!!"

"I feel sick, I'm going to pass out" Hannah said grabbing her suitcases and reluctantly following me out

"BRAD!" I yelled giving him a hug, "I've missed you!" I spun round, motioning to Hannah, "Brad, this is my best friend Hannah, Brad, Hannah, Hannah, Brad"

"Lovely to meet you" Brad grinned, giving Hannah a kiss on the cheek and hugging her

"Yes, lovely to meet you too" Hannah said blushing

"Let me get those for you" Brad said, motioning to her suitcases, I glanced at Hannah, winking before heading towards the tour bus. Well Cupids mission is complete.

I flopped onto the sofa in the tour bus beside James.

"Katrina, I've missed you!" He exclaimed giving me a hug

"I've missed you too James" I said smiling

"I think you're going to enjoy this tour" he winked, nudging me with his elbow, "We've got a young, super cool new band on tour with us as well as The Tide"

"Really?! When can I meet them?!" I exclaimed

"Well I'm pretty sure you already know one of them, he used to be in that band Stereo Kicks? Reece Bibby?" he smiled

"Oh yeah! I remember him" I said slipping into a day dream, remembering how obsessed I used to be with him and how much I fancied him, this was sure going to be a great tour....

Tour // r.bibbyWhere stories live. Discover now