Argument ~1~

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Mark is in his office recording for the 10th time day. He has only seen me once today and that was when I woke up. Not to complain but i would like to see him more then once a day. If i say anything about it, it might start something. But he has been working a lot seen Pax East 2016. Maybe i should talk to him about it.

I walk into his office while he is editing "Hey..Mark?" i said sounding scared. "Yeah Y/N?" he said sounding in a bad mood. "I need to talk to you about something" I said while Marks face change emotion. "Ask anything Babe" Mark said standing up and sat beside me. "Well..ever since you came back from Pax you have been distance" You said looking back at the floor.

Mark stood up still looking at you and said "Sorry that I have job". You looked up "I just would like to see you more then once a day" you said getting a little angry at Mark. "I spend a lot of time with you!" Mark was getting really angry at you. "Sorry I want to see me boyfriend once in a while!" You said about to walk out of the room. Mark walks over to you and says "You are acting like my mother!!".

After that I stormed out of the room then went into our bedroom and sat down on the bed. You could tell that when Mark said that he instantly regret it. Mark left you alone for a few minutes so you can have your space. Mark slowly open the door but you didn't notices that he was coming in. Mark walked over to you and sat beside you but you ignored him.

"Hey Y/N i didn't mean what i said" Mark said looking down and playing with his fingers. You stayed quite and didn't say anything or looked at him. "Y/N please look at me" Mark said almost in tear because he knew you were mad at him. "I know you didn't mean it but it just hurts" You said slightly looking at him but your head was still turned. "Please forgive? I was just angry at my computer" Mark said lifting your head so you can fully look at him. "I forgive you, but i
just wanted to spend more time with you and not start a fight" You say looking at him and suddenly felt bad. "I will spend more time with you" Mark said looking at little more happy.

You both get up and change for bed and lay down. "Sorry for everything Y/N" Mark said turning over to you. "i'm sorry to Mark" You say and then kissed his nose. "I love you Y/N" Mark said kissing your lips "I love you too Mark" You said returning the kiss. You both cuddle for a while before felling asleep.

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