Chapter 5 - The Shadows

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I never thought I would be part of a family, the sight of my mother being killed hurts me to this day but I kept that to myself. My dreams has become an nightmare as I imagine myself killing people without stopping. Well maybe I would have good dreams if these girls would come out of my fucking room

"Take your foot off me!" I was annoyed how badly Shae is sleeping. However, I got no answer from her. I took this as a chance to go and have a drink instead of moving sleeping bodies around. It's 3am and I find myself at the balcony sipping on my loving red friend. I was enjoying the magical view of the beach as well as the taste of red wine but my enjoyment was soon cut short as someone approach me from behind.

"Are you ok?" The voice is familiar but i can't put my finger on it.

"Yeah" I answered still sipping from the glass of red wine.

"You know you can always talk to me bout anything right?"

"I know but your never around" I finally know the person to whom I'm addressing.

"It's been a long time...Alexia" I turned around to face her with anger in my eyes

"It that how you greet your ex?"

"No..that's how a greet a trespasser" I said as I leant against the railing of the
Balcony. She has always been like this badass ninja.

"I miss you too" is this a dream..there's no way she could get pass the gate
I thought for a minute or too...then I threw the glass of wine over the railing to the sand. The image of my ex was gone but left a sour taste in my mouth.

"This is such bullshit, why was I thinking so much about her" the words came out more aggressive than I thought. She left but didn't tell me why...only a note behind saying' I'm  sorry but it's over'

From that day forward, I hated everyday I spent not knowing of what had gonna in to her. My heart was left a mess and my conscience all over the place.

"Jay!!!!" My name suddenly opened my eyes

"Yeah...yeah...I'm fine" I woke from my day dream. I came off the railing and slowly walk pass Liz to go back to bed

"You can't hide it from me...your totally in love with her but what happened?" I froze for a sec

"I don't know what your talking about" I lied

"This Alexia girl you kept on talking about..." I felt embraced but at least she doesn't talk so much like Shae. Who would have thought that I could sleep against the railing and I sleep talk.

"What happened between you two?" My thoughts came back but I pushed all of it to the back of my head

"I wish I knew" I said underneath my breathe

I went back to the bedroom only to see Shae all over the bed. She has problems and one of them is sleeping. Liz pushed me out of the way and as well pushed Shae over so she could sleep.

I found myself on the couch upright looking at the ceiling. The thoughts of me and my ex came and went out of my head, then I found myself asleep.

I woke up feeling someone's hand pressed against my chest. I barely opened my eyes to see all 4 sisters around me looking at my chest. I thought of a fun way to scare them, just jump up and then they will scream.

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