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I hope you guys are having a wonderful day, and there's one thing that I like to tell myself everyday. Tomorrow Will be Better. Just continue saying that, because Eventually, Tomorrow WILL be Better.

-Mention of Rape-

|||||On with the story||||||

M- So...you like Harry?

L- No, Miss..

M- Then, What-

L- I Love Him. I Love Harry, Anne.

Anne tilted her head, and cooed before she embraced Louis into a tight hug.

M- Take care of my baby okay? He's been through a lot..

Louis perked up, and widened his eyes, eager to know what was wrong with Harry..Not that anything was wrong with him, it's just that Something was wrong with Harry. Louis rolled his eyes at his stupid thoughts, and opened his ears.

L- What...HAS Harry been through? I m-mean, he gets jumpy when we make out sometimes, and I just want to make sure my Little One is okay..

Anne sighed, and pouted, when she stared onto Louis' eyes which held worry, fear, and hope.

M- Honey, When Harry was younger, he was f-

H- Okay Mum, its all in the patch......

Harry looked between the two and clasped his hands together in front of him, tilting his head.

H- What's going on....did I miss something?

L- N-no, we were just talking about how submissive you are. ..in bed!

Louis nervously smiled, While Anne places her forhead in her  hands, while Harry blinked rapidly, looking between the two.

H- Uh, What, di-

M- Louis!?!?

L- I know, I know, bad timing.. But Anne over here was about to tell me whats-

Anne widened her eyes and covered Louis's mouth with her hand in a swift movement.

M- What's...for dinner!!

H- Mum, you said its impolite to lie..so why are YOU lying?

M- Exsqueeze me?

H- You're not a teenager Anymore Mum, pleaseeee stop acting like one..

L- I think she's cool!

H- Louis, you and Your Mouth, Equals Invalid.

L- Mm, when did you become so fiesty?

Louis snaked his arm around Harry's thin waist and pulled him closer.

H- *whispers* Lou..Louis! mum's Right there!

L- Who said I'm caring?

H- You should start Caring bec-

Louis wasn't even listening to what Harry's was saying. All he was paying attention to was Harry's sinful pink lips, that was just begging to be pressed against his own

Louis, licked his lip, and then Connected his Lips with Harry's.

Harry melted into the kiss until he heard his Mom clear her throat.

H- I'm sorry Mum, it was Louis's fault!

M- *purses her lips in a straight line* I'll leave... I think you guys need to talk..

H- *Furrows Brows* Why, What-why do we need to talk..

Louis bites his lip and looks down. Harry takes that as a sign.

Harry covered him mouth with his palms and gasped.

H- Louis. Louis. Louis!! Are you breaking up with me!?; oh my GAWD, i- plea-

L- No, darling, babe, I'm not breaking up with you okay? Precious, I Love You. We just need to talk about something serious, okay Love? Can you do that? Can we talk?

H- *gulps* o-okay, And I Love you Too Lou.

L- I know darling, umm..Anne?

M-  Okay that's my Cue, Love You! *exits*

Louis guides Harry into the Living room and sits next to him on the couch.

L- Harry. What Happened to You?

Harry sat up straight, and stared at nothing, not even blinking.

H- What are you meaning?

L- What happened to you Harry? Why are you....I don't  know but something's wrong babe, and you need to tell me.

Harry stiffens and his bottom lip trembles as his breathing became uneven.

L- Harry! Harry!! Love, what's wrong!?

Harry turns his head slowly, and multiple tears run down his cheeks, and he hugs himself, as he looks at Louis as if he's seen a ghost.

H- I Was Raped.

Louis gasps and tears well up in his eyes. As he looks at Harry who was staring at nothing.

Harrys eyes then met Louis'

L- Oh, Har-

H- At age 8 my virginity was stolen. I was Raped, abused and hurt by my father, My own Father Louis, he took everything from me, my childhood, and my innocence! I was torn, broken, and for days,w-weeks, y-years, I could still feel his rough hands on me! I-i could h-hear him calling me a good b-boy, and tearing me apart Lou, *sobs* that's why I act like this Lou, that's why I am naive, childish, and have a mind of an 8 year old, I want t-to have the childhood I could've had! I know I act stupid, and I don't comprehend tings as fast, but its not my fault, the childhood I should've had when I was 8 was st-stolen, and I want it back Lou! For years, I was so Broken, I was stuck in a huge black cave, but you rescued me Louis, a-and I can't explain how much I Love you, I can't explain how much I n-need you because you became my Light, you guided me out, and I d-dont want to go back in, I'm sorry, I j-just *sobs* had to let it all out..

Louis shakes his head as if he was dreaming. Louis let's about a loud nasty sob and hugged Harry so tight, as hbe cried into his shoulders

L- shhh, baby, Harry, I love you and I love you so much, you'll never have to go through this alone Love, I'm here now, and I'll always be here, You're beautiful, amazing, sexy, and precious Darling, never think low of yourself, okay?

Harry's voice cracks and he just stares into Louis's eyes as he continued on,

H- I just Love you so much Lou, months ago, I wouldn't eben imagine myself in this position, but I Love you Louis, thank you for everything you've done for me, I just hope I wouldn't have to say goodbye to you anytime soon....

L- You won't, I'll be here by your side, and there will be no more tears and no more cries.

H- Thank You Lou.

L- You're welcome Precious.


if any of you want to talk, I'm here, I promise.

IG: L.a.r.r.yx <<don't follow me, I don't post 💙

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