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Gavan felt himself running out of breath as he struggled to sprint across the grassy plains. His feet ached and he felt like he was dying. The stress, determination and pain increased the further he ran but he knew Skyrim was worth it. Being a Bosmer, or Wood Elf as some called his people, he was a natural runner but even he had his limits. As he continued to advance towards the border he continuously had to dodge arrows that were shot at him by the Imperial soldiers giving chase. The well armoured but still surprisingly fast warriors yelled as they followed the elf. They were spread out in a group all with a sword in sheath each, ready to use them upon him if they finally catch the escaping elf.

Feeling the need to soon stop and fight he reached for the side of his green leather pants as he ran but groaned finding he had no dagger on him. He should have known to bring his dagger with him, he didn't want to use his powers yet. He knew the Nord people hated magic and his punishment if he were caught would be more severe. If they knew he followed the arcane path. All he had to fend himself with was his bow but he was out of arrows. He really wished he didn't go chasing that elk on the way now, no matter how good the meat was or how useful the leather will be. He decided the best thing to do at this stage was to keep running. If he made it across the border he could try to lose them in the forest he saw ahead.

As the borderline began clearer in sight he felt a sudden pinch of pain in the back of his left leg causing him to trip and fall flat on his face. He winced at the pain and moved his left hand near his leg to survey what was it that made him fall. He found he was correct, the wooden shaft of an arrow could be felt. He quickly withdrew it from the back of his leg, grunting a little in pain but grateful the wound wasn't too deep. He quickly came back to his senses and now feared how close the soldiers may be to his fallen body.

Relying on the strength of his right leg he pushed himself back to his feet. He felt an armoured boot impale his back and he was forced right back down. He looked up from the soft grass where his face had landed and looked on in despair. He was so close.

"Okay elf, no further, don't make this harder then it needs to be." Came the voice from the soldier who captured him.

The soldier removed his steel helmet in relief of the capture. He was obviously a Nord although he had long brown hair, which was unusual for a Nord, he kept it straight and neat and wore a face that looked that looked strained from fatigue. He spoke in a slightly weaker accent then most other Nords and the wood elf assumed he has lived in the Imperial lands of Cyrodiil in previous years like he has himself. Gavan's family lived a modern lifestyle in Imperial City. His parents brought him up to be considered 'civilised' by the humans living there. Gavan however always loved escaping and causing havoc and hunting with a bow in the forest although he wasn't the best at it. The Imperial guard kept his steel boot firm on Gavan's back as the worn out elf tried to regain his breath. He was half relieved he got to rest but was worried about what would happen next.

Soon a darker skinned human female stood next to the soldier with  a carriage other guards following her. She was obviously a Redguard woman. She wore steel armour and a unique looking helm that revealed her face, similar to Elven armour and spiked up in a sharp point on top. She crossed her arms while she look at the man her soldier captured and nodded in approval.

"Well done Hadvar, you may finally receive that promotion you have been seeking." The woman said as she studied the features of the elf. "Throw him with the others."

"He doesn't really look like a Stormcloak to me Captain." Hadvar admits, examining him from under his boot, pressing a little harder as if mentioning the rebel faction would cause him to try and escape.

"You never know soldier, he could even be a spy." She replies looking down on him with disgust. "Regardless he was illegally trying to cross the border, if you don't want to do it, I will." She pushes the soldier off of the body and lifts the elf  up before roughly throwing him into the carriage that parked behind them. Three other prisoners were on this carriage and looked at him in curiosity. He was the only elf aboard.

"Where are you taking me?" Gavan asked to either of the Imperial soldiers as another guard tied his arms up. His voice was clear and strong and he tried his best to remain calm as guards behind him begun to tie his hands together.

"You'll see when you get there forest scum." The captain said calmly as her soldiers readied up to travel again.

Gavan clenched his teeth in rage at the racial remark. "I'd rather be 'forest scum' then a corrupt mortal as yourself!" He yelled at the offending insult. He loved his people and heritage and nothing ticked him off more then a cocky soldier inflicting racism upon his culture.

"How dare you speak to me in that way pest!" She spat at him before slamming the hilt of her sword to his forehead. The pain erupted in his head for a second before everything went black.

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