First date

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"Remind me again, Kira. Who is this boy?" Dad asked. Sitting down two dinner plates, instead of the usual three.

"His name is, Scott McCall," I say and my cheeks began to ache from smiling.

"And where is he taking you tonight?" He asked.

"Some arcade I think." I lied, Scott hadn't actually said where he was taking me, he merely said that it would be 'romantic'.

"Sounds appropriate. Ah, you should know there's a 10 PM police enforced curfew tonight." He stated, placing the last piece of silverware on the table.

"What!? Aw, why?" I squeaked

"A couple kids from the college went missing. So the city council set a curfew." He said and crossed his arms over his chest. "Your mother and I expect you home on time."

"Fine, okay. I'll make sure Scott knows about the curfew." I said.


My phone buzzed alive and my hand fumbled with the pocket of my a black and red letterman jacket. Scott McCall. I smile apologetic as I took the call.

"Hey, Scott," I say, turning away from my dad and walked until I was standing midway the hall.

"Hi, Kira. I'll be there in ten or fifteen minutes," he said over the racket of late work traffic.

"Can't wait." I giggled

"Can't wait." he echoed


*Knock knock knock*

*knock knock knock*

"Kira? Kira the doors for you." my mom said from the chair adjacent to me.
*knock knock*

I was frozen in the chair, my heart beat felt like, drummers drumming an exaggerated tone of the 21st-century fox introduction.

"Should I show him in?" my dad volunteered. That melted me. I stood up, straighten out my red checkered skater dress, and did a half sprint to the door and thrust it open.

"Hi." he greeted with a full smile.
He was dressed in a casual mint green button-down, gray faded jeans and Timberlands.

"Hi," I sighed "come in, my parents want to meet you really quick," I said. He seemed a little surprised, but he stepped inside and waited for me to close the door and lead the way.

"Mr. and Mrs. Yuki-" he choked. My dad still sat at the table, but instead of eating, he was polishing my mom's old Katana.


"Scott, You do know there's a ten o'clock curfew. Right?" he asked, not bringing his eyes off the Katana.

"Yes S-sir"

"Good, don't be late."

"Oh god. Let's go, Scott. My dad's insane." I groaned, pulling Scott away from the dining room and to the front door.

"Your dad is pretty intense," Scott said, opening and shutting the passenger side door for me. He jogged to the driver's side and hopped behind the wheel.

"You have no idea" I sighed, watching my dad's threatening glare fade from the window as Scott backed out the driveway and drove away.


"So, where are we going?" I ask nudging him into a conversation.

"Oh... I didn't tell you?" he questioned.

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