Halloween night.

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"Move your werewolf ass Scott!"
My best friend Stiles shouted from a few paces ahead of me.
you see, the problem wasn't that we were in the middle of the woods at night, we did this all the time.
The problem was we're in the middle of the woods at night. On Halloween night. While tons of other, not-so-nice were-whatever's roamed the streets and woods.
But it was stiles bright idea to tell ghost stories in the deepest part of the woods with Kira, Malia, Lydia, Liam, Mason, and Hayden. "Ow fuck!" Stiles' screams echoed from the already creepy shadow tented trees.
"Didn't you promise malia that you wouldn't swear so much?" I asked. The bright red glow of my alpha eyes, Illuminating the glare of his expression as he scrambled from the dirt, Swatted his brown jeans clean of earthy debris, And stomped deeper into inky darkness.
"Scott and Stiles are on their way in." Malia's blunt voice informed the other teens.

The circle of teens were enclosed, in a mass of sweet marshmallow scented smoke from the large fire pit Hayden brought.

"Hurry up, Scott! Lydia's ready to tell her story!" My beta shouted from the chair nearest to Lydia.
Stiles breaking into the circle a few seconds before me and sit next to his werecoyote mate. His arm snaking around her waist to rest on her plaid blue pajama covered thigh.

"I'm so happy you two finally made here. I was starting to worry." Kira said running up and wrapping her arms almost too tightly around my neck.
"Come on, Lydia is starting." I said kissing her Cheek, sticky with chocolate and marshmallow.
Mason sat on the opposite side of Lydia from Liam, though they were talking about how awesome this was and gaily chewed on slightly burnt s'mores.

Lydia sat directly in the middle of the circle. Eye's dark and as dangerously patient as a black panther hunting her prey. Wind rustling the leaves above, Disturbed resting owls, aiding her approach.

"This one is called, The demon Dog." She closed her eyes and took a long deep breath as she started her tale.

An old man lived in a two story house on pinewood hill alone. The house from the outside Looked ordinary, painted white with very few flowers in the lawn. Inside the House was just as plain. Mostly brown wood furniture, white paint, and a few pictures of his long passed, wife. The old man Had a very strict day-to-day pattern.
He would wake up at 5am every morning. Make his bed two times or until the covers were perfectly even. Washed his hands exactly four times. walked down the last three steps of the staircase six times. And locked his home door six times before leaving.
Before he settles for bed each night he makes sure all the windows are locked, walks up the last three steps six times and locks his bedroom door six times. Every night he does this. Until one frigid day he falls ill and cannot carry out his tasks.
That night the growls begin right outside his bedroom door. Through the dizziness of the cold medicine he stared at the door. The growls rippled through the door, angrily. Paws beat down on the door until it crashed thundering against the wall. A hound with fur so dark it seemed to radiate black ooze stood in the frame of the door. Its eyes were Hell flames watching him and it's teeth were jagged knives as they slashed through the air at him.
"And then," Lydia exaggerated a loud animalistic snarl making, kira, Mason, Hayden, and stiles gasp and jump. "The black dog ripped into the old man's sweat drenched flesh." Her voice was Gravelly whisper.
"Intense" was the only word Mason could stutter when Lydia finished. Hayden looked over her shoulders, ultra aware of the creeping shadows. The camp of teens clapped their appreciation, as Lydia stood from the center chair, to let someone else take her place to tell their tale.

A/N I know my "horror" writing is godawful, but I thought it would be cute if they spent Halloween trying to scare each other with ghost stories.

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