Chapter 12

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Warning: Smut

Luhan stared at her ring finger adorned by a gold band with a large diamond in a center. It looks simple yet elegant. Four years ago, she also wore a ring. They are almost identical, large diamond on the center embellished by small diamonds on the corner. They were both fitted perfectly to her finger but it is still felt different probably because the ring that she wore four years ago was overwhelmed by love, warmth and home.

She stood and opened her wardrobe. She saw the secret compartment where she hide her belongings that she badly wanted to forget. She doesn't exactly know the reason why she still hides it. Maybe, she wants to remind herself everyday of the agony she felt, of the consequences of her foolishness or probably she's not yet ready to let go of the memories attached to the inanimate objects.

Familiar pain that kept her company during her dark days instantly envelops her being. With shaking hands, she carried the box and sat on her bed. In four years, she did everything to be fine. To the point that she has to pretend that everything's alright that her life didn't fucked her up. She held the picture of the second man that taught her to love, the man who made her whole, and the man she loved more than her life. Even if the physical proofs were removed, she can still feel the imprint on her wrists. She caressed the cold surface of the picture frame. Anyone who will look at the picture will be deceived by how the young Sehun looked at her younger self. Younger Luhan is looking at the lens of the camera while younger Sehun, who's wearing his toga has his arm wrapped around her waist and was looking at her with eyes brimming of love and fondness.

A lustrous glow of a mineral identical to what she's currently wearing suddenly caught her peripheral vision. Her fingers automatically reach out for the first ring that she once wore on her ring finger. Nothing really changed. Even how much she denies it, she's still the same foolish girl who's in love with Oh Sehun four years ago.

Kyungsoo's voice keeps on reverberating on her head.

"You shouldn't have accepted it, Luhan. You are choosing other people's feelings over your own, again. You are repeating what you have done four years ago. You should always remember that it is not your responsibility to shoulder everyone's emotional baggage or accept something just because you feel obligated to reciprocate what he/she did to you."

Luhan haven't told Baekhyun and Yixing yet on what happened this afternoon, only Kyungsoo but she already knows that those two will also disapprove on what she did earlier.

She caressed the white gold ring that Sehun gave to her years ago. Despite of its similarity with Jackson's ring, this still feels way more comfortable on her finger. She's about to remove the ring on her finger when her doorbell rang. Without further ado she shoved all of her valuable things back to the box. She didn't noticed that the ring fell on her carpet. She brushed her fingers on her long hair in attempt to ease her nervousness. If these are her friends, she should really prepare herself from the confrontation. She tied her robe and didn't bother to wear an undergarment.

She opened her door without checking at the peephole first which was a huge mistake.

"You lied to me."

Luhan took a step back upon seeing the dark expression marring Sehun's god-like features.

"W-what are you doing here?"

Sehun kicked her door closed and he almost destroy it. That's when Luhan realized that he's drunk. "You told me that you are only mine, Luhan. Why did you wear his ring?" She could hear the underlying possessiveness on his tone.

"I-It was none of your business, Sehun. And... those were all just spur of the moment." She diverted her gaze so she won't see Sehun's reaction. She meant everything what she said that night. Nothing changes, Sehun still owns her completely. "We should forget what happened because those were nothing. It meant nothing." She continued in a tight voice, trying not to breakdown. She already made a choice. She chose Jackson. She chose her safezone.

Sehun gripped her waist while his other hand found her nape. "Cut the bullshit, Luhan." He said in gritted teeth and blazing eyes. "You and I know that it meant something. You still fucking love me."

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