In the Arms of the...SAMURAI?!

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Third person POV:

Kanda silently walked down the streets of the small town. It had been three excruciating long days, and the fact that it was raining didn't help with the mood. He was irritable and annoyed at the failure of the mission; although he did bring back the innocence he needed.

So why was the blue haired samurai so angry? The fact that his "help", almost caused an avalanche, nearly jeopardized the whole mission, and had the nerve to be turned into a human shield by an akuma, pissed him off. He was practically fuming once he was on the train.

Thunder rolled across the dark sky, and the rain became heavier. Although the rain soaked the swordsman, he couldn't have cared less at that moment. His mind was in a different place, he went terribly deep in though. The thoughts of how he was going kill that useless Keeper.

"How I'm gonna ring his-" Kanda growled but he never finished his sentence.

"Hiss" was heard at the entrance of an alleyway.

Kanda snapped his head at the entrance. Irritation easily read in his eyes. But what he found was something...strange. What he found was something so ordinary, so common, but at the same time the object was different. He didn't know how this cat was different from the rest, he could just feel it.

The irritation left his eyes instantly. His blue eyes meeting with striking green eyes. The cat was small and dirty and it's fur was messy and tangled. But it's black coat and its white splattered ears caught Kanda's attention. Another hiss came from the shivering cat.

Looking around to make sure nobody was watching, he carefully bent down to the frighten kitten. He was careful not to scare the cat.

"You lost boy?"


"Not a boy?" He asked gently

The cat slowly walked over to Kanda's leg, and softly rubbed her head against his leg.

"Boom" roared the lightning

The small cat scampered back into the alleyway. More thunder continued to scare the kitten away and the rain soaked it's coat even more. Kanda walked into the alley hoping to find the mysterious cat once again.

Luck was with him. Inside the alley was a cardboard box, although it was soggy and coming apart from the rain, the same kitten tried to sleep peacefully inside.

Kanda looked around for any threats (aka any forms of life). He only found boxes. Inhaling a deep breath he bent down.

Picked up the shivering cat.

Kanda Yuu being so nice to a simple but extraordinary cat, was something he never thought would happen. Holding the small kitten close he hoped that it would generate some heat within the cat. He slowly made his way the the Black Order. His mood becoming merrier as the kitten purred and snuggled into his chest.

"Why am I doing this again?" he questioned himself.

He looked down at the bundle of purring fur and a small smile was placed on his face. (A/n yes folks KANDA YUU SMILED). Maybe this night wouldn't be as bad as the thought.

Black Order; Kanda's Room,
Kanda's POV:

The cat was small enough to fit in my inside coat pocket, which was a blessing for me, considering Moyashi was in my way. I really didn't want to deal with his stupidity.

Placing the kitten on the clean neat bed, I immediately regretted it. The cat's paws made muddy brown paw prints all over the blanket. Small green eyes sparkled as it looked up at me. It was almost as if it was happy at the mess it created.

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