6) Lights, Camera, Pose!

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[A.N. - FIRST I'd just like to say thankkkk youuuu to all my readers because this book is actually coming along, and please, please, pleaseeeee dm or comment some adventure ideas! XXX enjoy:))]


We pull up to model co and all jump out, jakob and I got picked up and apparently we were early so that was good. We walk inside and I sign in, I then get told to go the make up block and jakob follows me. When I get to the make-up block of model-co, Tracey comes up to me.

"Lacey Darling, because you have guests today you can take one of the private rooms" She says to me, the private rooms are litteraly so cool, they are massive rooms that you get all to yourself, there's couches, you get your own private make up done and can get changed in an actual room.

"Omg awesome!" I squeal a little, I grab Jakobs hand and we run over to the private room block of the building. I look at the available rooms and pick the one I want, I then type the number in on the key pad, swipe my card and then grab the keys off the hook. Jakob and I walk down the hall and we walk into the room that I picked.

After 5 minutes no one had come to help me pick out my outfit or do my make up so I call Tracey

-call with Tracey-
Tracey: hey! What's up?

Lacey: umm no ones come to the private room? Can you please send someone down?

Tracey: yeah sure I'll send Stella down for you

Lacey: omg thanks bye!

-end of call with Tracey-

I la la larveeee Stella, she is one of my favourite make up artists.

"What's happening?" Jake asks

"She's sending someone down now" I reply, going through the walk in wardrobe.

Knock knock knock

When I hear the door I run over and open it to see Stella there.

"Omg Lacey!!" She greets me hugging me

"Stella! It's so good to see you!" I say to her. I introduce her to jakob and then Stella hands my outfit. Shit. It's a swimsuit shoot. And of course jakob has to be here today of all days.

Stella has blonde hair with brown roots, and blue eyes, her and Prue look alike but Stella is a older looking seeing as she has a kid and all that.

Stella does my make-up really, really well, she then hands me the first swimsuit then I go into the walk-in-wardrobe and get changed.

"Jake shut your eyes" I yell to him before walking out as he agrees that he wont look.

"JAKOB I TOLD YOU TO SHUT YOUR EYES!" I giggle walking out of the wardrobe.

"You've got a good body Lacey, and I saw you in a swim suit yesterday" he laughs, I put a gown over myself then we all then leave to one of the main shoot rooms.

We walk in and there's people everywhere, there's a green back drop and sand on the ground for the part I'm supposed to sit/stand on. I then see the photographer walk up with a camera and start to set it all up, some other people tell me to get onto the sand so I do so, after handing my dressing gown to Jakob. I sit on the sandy part of the room and the photographer soon starts shouting at me, telling me what to do, I follow every one of his commands for around 25 minutes. Eventually it gets to break time, I look around and see no Jakob.

"Sweety he's gone to go get you guys some drinks" Tracey says to me, I thank her for telling me and walk up to Jakob when I see him entering the room.

He hands me a water and I thank him, taking a sip of the, cold refreshing water. I take a few sips then we get called over to the computer where all my photos have now been transferred to. We look at all the photos, me cringing at some but I have to admit some turned out pretty good. We decide on the two I like, with the help of Jakob of course then I we go back to my private room, Stella following me.

When we get back to the room Stella hands me the next bikini, I change into it and then we go back down to the shoot room.

After another bikini and 2 different beach-type out fits, Jakob and I are in the back of Tracey's car on our way back to my house where Jakob will get a bus back to his house. I'm scrolling through Instagram and see something I'd never thought I'd ever see in my life...

@/jakoleo_, it was Jakob's old private Instagram, it had an old mirror selfy of him who a snapchat caption that was blurred out but you could still see it 'snap me niggas' it said. The car soon comes to a holt and we jump out thanking Tracy along the way with my small bag that I had brought to the beach. We both walk up to my house and walk inside, i walk in and put my bag down and realise no one is home.

I really need a shower so I ask Jakob if he wants one too, he declines and decides to go home.

He stands up and I follow him "bye Jako" I say opening the door for him, he smiles and says goodbye, I watch him leave down my drive way then I close my door and go up for a shower.

A.N. - SORRRRY I'm now going to try and update more, so just hold on there xoxoxox

Life's too short for complaining//J.DWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt