Five : In Which He Has A Stone Cold Heart

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Leon stood frozen for some time. He didn't know what he more shocked about, that Francesca had never kissed anybody before, I mean surely she would've had a boyfriend, she's not exactly ugly.

Or, the fact that he stole her first kiss. Of course his first kiss wasn't too memorable, it was one of his co-stars from some time back, sure they dated for a few months but it was never going to last. Leon, didn't care much about kisses.

But he knew, for some odd reason, first kisses were more important to girls. And it made him feel even worse about his stupid impulsive action.

"Look, I'm really sorry. If I had known, I wouldn't have," Leon apologizes.

"Really?" Francesca asks unconvinced.

"Even though you think I am a complete jerk with no heart-" She cuts in.

"I think you have stone cold heart actually," Leon rolls his eyes.

"A jerk with a stone cold heart, I'm not. I have feelings, and I do care," Leon says and Francesca nods, still unconvinced.

"Well I'm sorry," Leon eventually says.

"I don't buy it," Francesca huffs burying her face in her pillow again.

Leon didn't know what to say. He apologized. What does he do now? Leon Vargas had to admit that he never really apologized.

Two reasons, nobody would make him apologize. Not that he was being cocky or anything, but nobody really got angry with him. Pablo always said that talking to him was worth whatever mean things he says.

The second reason would be, Leon hardly talked to anybody anyway. Leon didn't like to talk to many people. Whenever he tried to make friends they ended up using him. The only person he trusted other than Pablo would be his cousin Diego.

Diego was in Italy right now, for an exchange student programme. It was killing Leon. Leon's parents were workaholics. They hardly knew anything about his life. His mother was a casting director and his father was in the music business.

Leon sighed and got up from the bed. He cast one more look at Francesca. Thankfully she had stopped crying, and it felt like a weight had been lifted off Leon's shoulder.

"Sorry," Leon whispers softly.

He bites his lip and closes the door behind him. He walked down to where the Caviglia's were and Pablo. Pablo had been bus fatherly figure for as long as he could remember.

Francesca finally lifted her head from the pillow. She didn't know why she was so angry. And why she cried. In front of Leon. Francesca felt like an idiot, Leon had seen her weak.

Leon probably thought she was a pathetic girl. Francesca was really hoping on keeping her first kiss for her first boyfriend. Maybe even her first date. And Leon just stole it for publicity.

Francesca groans. She goes to her dressing table and gasps at how hideous she looked. She starts brushing her black hair, trying to neaten up. She clips some hair up. Afterwards she works on her eyes.

She applies a little bit of mascara and tries to cover up some of the red around her eyes with concealer. She wondered if she should apply some blush to her cheeks or pinch some colour into it.

When she finally looked presentable, she walked downstairs. Pablo, Leon and her parents were sitting in the living room. Francesca walks in and Leon's face lights up. He notices how she had managed to make it look like she had never cried.

"Francesca, we need to talk about your behaviour today," Alejandro says sternly.

"It was my fault," Leon says hastily. Francesca arches her eyebrow.

Leon sends her a wink and she blinks her eyes a few times. She shrugs and sits back.

"Leon you don't have to stick up for her," Juliette says and Leon shakes his head.

"I'm not," Leon says simply and Francesca has to cover up a snort.

"It was honestly my fault," Leon says.

The Caviglia parents share a few looks. Pablo smirked. He knew what Leon was doing but Pablo didn't stop him. This was the first time Leon had ever stood up for somebody other than Diego.

This was quite a sight to see.

"Okay then," Alejandro shrugs, still fairly unconvinced.

Francesca mouthed a thanks to Leon and he winks again. Francesca couldn't ignore the way her stomach tightened when he winked.

She desperately needed to talk to Federico and Camila.

She excuses herself and runs upstairs. She switches on her laptop and sends a message to her friends

[francesca 17:46 ] I NEED HELP

The message was read immediately. Francesca breathes a sigh of relief. Francesca had never been happier to have technology obsessed friends.

[camila 17:47 ] don't you always Fran?

[federico 17:47 ] ha she has a point

[francesca 17:48 ] you guys make me want to not ask you for help

[camila 17:48] uh sorry?

[federico 17:49 ] so what do you need help with babe?

[francesca : 17:49 ] I was kissed

[camila 17:50 ] um what?

[federico 17:50 ] so exactly who am I punching?

[francesca 17:51 ] well if you can get to him... It was Leon Vargas :/

[camila 17:51 ] um sweetie why are you upset? YOU KISSED LEON VARGAS

[federico 17:52 ] it was her first kiss you idiot *smh*

[francesca 17:52 ] :') thank you Fede

[camila 17:53 ] yeah um I would still be celebrating

[federico 17:53 ] when did you become so stupid?

[camila 17:53 ] *glares*

[franceca 17:54 ] he kissed me!

[camila 17:54 ] ooh even better

"You see your friend is actually normal," Somebody says, and a shiver runs down her spine.

"Leon! You inquisitive idiot!" Francesca shouts, slapping Leon's arm.

"Uh sorry?" Leon says jokingly.

Francesca glares at him. She quickly signs off to her friends and turns to face Leon.

God she hated him.

Tell me what you think! I really love the friendship that Camila, Francesca and Federico share. It's really sweet. So I've got pretty much one more important character to introduce, then other are just minor.

Thanks for reading! Sorry for any errors 💚 and sorry this was a short chapter...

~Lexy 😈

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