Twenty Four In Which She Plays Matchmaker

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THE HAIR AFOREMENTIONED now had small drops of smoothie in it.

Francesca wasn't even sure how it ended up there. The majority of her sorely missed smoothie ended up on his shirt but was not dripping down his pants.

"Shit shit shit!" She mutters as she stares at the boy. He wasn't looking at her, he was looking at the yellow-orange mess on his clothes.

He finally looks up, his face didn't quite show anger or annoyance it more like confusion. He then saw the girl in front of him and recognised her as Leon's girlfriend. Remembering the punch from his last encounter with the brown haired guy he prepared himself to say sorry for no apparent reason.

"Sorry!" They both say at the same time.

Francesca gaped at him. Was he saying sorry as well? Why? He had no reason to be apologetic! She was the one who dumped her drink on him.

"What is wrong with you?" Francesca blurts out and her friends behind her snicker.

Instead of helping like good helpful friends they just laughed and watched with amusement. She wanted to be angry but she knew if it was the other way around she would rolling on the floor in laughter.

"I'm sorry," Marco apologises again and she groans.

"Why are you saying sorry?" She exclaims throwing her hands in the air. "I spilt on you!"

"I–. . .Is Leon with you?" He asks searching the small smoothie store.

Camila and Federico burst out laughing, he looked seriously frightened. Francesca herself couldn't help but let out an unladylike snort.

Even from this small encounter Francesca knew that she liked Marco Tavelli. There was just something about a guy who apologised for doing nothing wrong that just appealed to her. She suddenly noticed that he was standing alone, meaning no girlfriend.

"Where's your girlfriend?" Francesca blurts out again.

She openly smacked her forehead with the palm of her hand. Marco's ears turned red as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. Not that it was that much of a sore subject, just a little bit embarrassing.

"I broke up with her," He pauses, "after I saw Diego. . ." He pauses again. It was funny, he thought of it every single night but saying it aloud just seemed much harder. Like he was finally admitting something. "It wasn't the same, I couldn't look at her the same way,"

Francesca's ears perked up in interest. He ended his relationship with his girlfriend because of Diego! An idea came to her mind that which she could use this situation to her advantage.

She didn't want to necessarily get back together with Leon, no she was much better of with Caio. But she hated the distance that her mistakes had created between her and Leon and Diego. If she could get Diego and Marco back together, they'd love her.

Or at least Diego would, Leon's views on Marco were quite conflicted.

She knew that deep down Leon did actually like Marco because nobody else had ever made Diego happy the way he did. But then on the other hand nobody else had ever made Diego so upset like he did. The breakup literally broke Diego.

"Let me help you clean up," Francesca says pulling Marco inside.

Camila and Federico knew that tone in her voice. They almost feared that tone because they knew that she was about to get herself into big trouble.

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