Ah Yeah: #JeongCheol Part 2

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Jeonghan was not in the mood to be teased and played today. Seungcheol suddenly looked slightly alarmed at the dark fire blazing behind Jeonghan's eyes. This made Jeonghan smile and soften up a bit. He kissed along Coups's neck trailing down along the back. He stuck his hand in front of Coups, who looked at Jeonghan shyly before sticking them in his mouth, sucking and moaning. This did arouse Jeonghan up quite a bit. Usually, Coups wanted to play top so Jeonghan let him lead the whole show. The change was quite nice today.

The fingers left Seungcheol's mouth with a pop. Jeonghan was careful as he inserted the first finger into his boyfriend. Coups sharply inhaled at the sensation and Jeonghan went slowly, knowing how it could feel so strange at first. He remembered his first few times with Coups, how they stumbled through and pieced together some information as to not hurt each other in their first time. Jeonghan inserted another finger when he sense that Coups was ready. Slow stretching was key. A little bit of relaxing and coaxing before the main event.

With the fingers inserted, Jeonghan bent them ever so lightly as he drew them out again, eliciting a near howl from Coups. Jeonghan was so aware of the emptiness of the gym. It felt like anyone could walk in on them at any time, which made Jeonghan's already-beating heart beat faster. He stimulated that sensitive part again and then made Coups sit on the bench, staring at him. Seungcheol was drenched from the exercise and all of their foreplay. Jeonghan smiled at him, laid him down flat on the back and kissed him again. Coups acted tough and manly, but he was actually quite soft and adorable. Jeonghan wanted to hold him gently and keep kissing him. However, he also didn't want to fail fulfilling his end of the bet.

He touched and kissed Coups in all of the sensitive areas he had discovered in three years and Seungcheol became a moaning mess underneath him. Jeonghan felt his own erection grow fuller and decided to pull down his shorts just enough to free it. Slowly, he entered Coups. The sensation was so warm and tight. A little foreign, even though it wasn't their first time like this. Jeonghan silently gained control, slowly pumping in and out of Coups as he brushed his hand up and down Seongcheol's shaft as well. This made the boy beneath him moan, which so turned on Jeonghan.

"Hey, babe," Seungcheol whispered out in a ragged voice, "I really don't think you hear me right. I said. I. Want. To. Be. Taken. Like an animal."

"No, I heard you," Jeonghan hummed, "This is just the beginning." 

When Seungcheol sat up to look at him, Jeonghan pulled out, got off the bench, and stood up. "Open your mouth," he ordered. Seungcheol sort of gawked at him, not having expected the assertive side of Jeonghan to come out. "I said," Jeonghan drawled, "open your mouth." Seungcheol didn't have a moment to think before his mouth was suddenly on top of Jeonghan, his whole head being lead by Jeonghan's hands. He was shocked. And also a bit impressed. And also really aroused.

Jeonghan felt aroused as well, feeling Seungcheol's tongue around him as he prepared to pound into this eager boy as hard as he possibly can. He loved the view on Seungcheol's pretty face, blinking and looking helpless as Jeonghan's hand held it steady. 

He yanked Seungcheol off when he felt he was ready and pulled him off of the bench. He motioned for Coups to grab onto the bench with his outstretched arms. "Sorry, I don't think we'll have enough room for this on the actual bench, you'll have to be satisfied with just holding on to it." 

Before Seungcheol could respond, Jeonghan slammed into his tight butt, grabbing onto the bench with one hand and pulling furiously at Coups's hips with the other. Coups could not even get a sound out at the shock. Jeonghan looked up and saw Coups's expression of sheer excitation and surprise in the mirror wall. This made him pound harder.

"Jeo... Jeonghan... Ah.. Please... Ahh..." Coups was practically kneeling on the floor, shaking and pleading as Jeonghan moved his hand along Seungcheol's shaft, keeping the pace. Jeonghan felt himself quite close to finish as well. "Please, what?" he hissed into Coups's ear.

"Make... me.. come..."

What sweet words coming from such a sweet mouth. Jeonghan pumped down hard into Seungcheol and pumped his hands along Seungcheol's length, sending his partner into ecstasy. Hearing Seungcheol scream his name, quivering around him, Jeonghan reached his climax immediately afterwards.

They panted, exhausted, as Jeonghan pulled Seungcheol into a hug. "Can we just sleep in here? My back is going to be so sore tomorrow," Coups breathed into Jeonghan's neck, happily. 

"Hey, it's your fault for making me do it, you know that sit-up contest was set up to make you win."

"It most definitely was. But I didn't expect you do go this hardcore, Princess."

Jeonghan suddenly felt ticked off. "I told you, don't call me Princess." He rolled away from the snuggle. Coups practically jumped on top of him.

"Why? What's wrong? What's wrong with our Jeonghan today?"

"Nothing," Jeonghan sighed. But Coups stared at him intensely from above.

"I'm just afraid that people know and love me as the "pretty one", the one who looks like a girl, beautiful all the time. I'm not. I know I'm not. I'm afraid it'll wear off and they won't like me anymore."

He felt his cheek being squeezed by Seungcheol, who seats him up a bit. "Hey, that's not true. People love your for your charm and your dedication."

Jeonghan turned his head to protest. "But when I cut my hair--" Seungcheol cupped his face and squeezed again. "It's an outer appearance change, big deal. Besides, I think you've proven yourself plenty today that just because people found your beauty and long hair charming-" Jeonghan blushed at this-"it doesn't mean they'll find you girly or weak. You're so funny, and handsome, and strong, and smart, and resilient-" before Coups can add more to the list, Jeonghan planted him a kiss and laughed. Coups always knew how to make him feel better. Those doe-like eyes of his peered thoughtfully into Jeonghan's.

"Trust me. I fell for you way before the long hair." 

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