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Austin's POV-

I drove us all to my mom and dads, to drop off Marina. Ally and I got out of the car, Ally helping Marina out of her seat, and grabbing her bags.

"Why can't I go with you?" she whined. "Because mommy and daddy need some time alone, Seashore!" I told her.

She sighed, then took hold of Ally's hand, and we let ourselves into the house. "Mom, dad, we're here!" "Oh, hi Austin, hi Ally. Hi Marina!" Mom said.

"Everythings in the bag, call me if she's trouble, we'll try to be back before 5:00-" my dad cut me off, "Okay, Okay Austin, we get it. You're the best dad in the World!"

Ally waited next to me, trying to contain her laughter. "Alls, I know you're laughing." "I'm glad you're the father of my children." she smiled wide.

We said our goodbyes, and drove to the Christmas store. I wrapped my arm around Ally's waist, and she cuddled up to me, as we walked around the large building.

She grabbed ornaments, boxes, wrapping paper, and we even picked out a nice sized tree. After we left there, we went to another place, to get presents for everyone.

We picked out a few things for Marina; mostly toys and a few clothes. For our parents, Ally and I got a little glass Christmas tree, that had a picture of Marina, Ally and I, and on the bottom it said, "The Moon Family 2013-Forever."

When Ally was picking something out for her mom, I snuck over to the jewlrey section, and got Ally something, slipping it into my pocket.

"Are you ready? she asked. I nodded, "let's get going." The man checked us out, and we drove back over to my parents house, to get Marina.

I used my key to get inside my parents house. "Mom, we're back." It was 4:30, so we had good timing.

"Daddy! Mommy!" Marina ran as fast as she could, and Ally and I bent down to hug her. Ally picked her up, and kissed her on her forehead.

"How was she?" I asked my mom. "She was wonderful, she got a little fussy a while ago, she said she missed you." My face couldn't help but form a smile, "Did you miss us?" I asked Marina, as I played with her small hand.

"Yeah, I missed you and Mommy and brother or sister!" Aw. She's such a sweetheart. "Okay, well we'll get going."

"Bye Ally, bye Austin, bye Marina." Ally helped Marina get in the seat, and we hopped in the car, as I started the ignition.

When we drove home, I layed my hand on Ally's. She smiled up at me, and grasped my hand, tighter. "I love you." "I love you too, Ally."

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