Ch 11 Grocery shopping & Awkward moments

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I heard a scream. Not the a monster is about to eat your face off horror movie type of scream but the oh my gosh I'm so excited kind. That scream was how I woke up the next morning.

I turned in bed and opened my eyes. The first thing I noticed was the lights were back on. This was indicated by the light above my head which was turned on making the whole room bright.

Then I turned around again and saw my mom standing in the doorway with a huge smile plastered on her face. Just looking at the way she was looking at me told me that she had been the one who had screamed.

"Mom. What the-?" I stopped talking mid sentence and looked around. I realized I was in Logan's room on his bed. He was still on that chair fast asleep. He must be a heavy sleeper if my mom's vocal cords couldn't wake him up.

That made sense though. I recalled when we both fell off of his bed, and he still hadn't woken up.

Could she have been screaming about the fact I was sleeping in Logan's room? Though I was pretty positive it had been a happy scream.

"Awh.. You and Logan. I should have guessed. No wonder he's been doing better in school and hasn't caused any trouble," she smiled again showing all her teeth. Wait a second. She thought Logan and I were...

"I mean Angie, Logan's mom, was so worried he would end up in jail but since he's come here he's improved in his behavior. I thought at first it was only because of the change in atmosphere or that he wanted to not be a burden on us, which he isn't at all, but you're the reason why. Here I thought, you were going to stay single forever. I never pegged Logan to be your type though but as long as you're happy then that's all that matters," mom said. She was not even stopping for a breath.

The whole time she talked, I just looked at her in amazement. How could she possibly think I was the reason Logan had changed? I barely talked to him most days. I never preached to him about doing right things or anything. What was really funny was that mom thought Logan and me were together. Logan would never go for a girl like me. I would just be a big bore to him if we went out.

I looked over at Logan. I wish I could sleep like a rock too.

"Mom.. Are you done?" I questioned gently.

"Yes?" she said sounding puzzled. I guess she was wondering why I wasn't jumping up and down from excitement with her.

"Mom," I laughed, "Logan and I are not dating. We're just friends. Last night the lights went out, and I was pretty terrified, so Logan let me sleep in here."

"Oh," she said, "Well this is embarrassing. Come eat breakfast and get out of his bed before your dad sees you."

With those last words, she turned around and left the room.

I rose to my feet and tip toed out the door to my room. I was in need of a shower. First I grabbed my clothes not wanting there to be an incident like the last one where I had to come out for my clothes and was met with Logan.

Then I opened my bathroom door all the way but didn't step inside. I had to make sure there were no monsters in here first. Once I was sure the bathroom was safe, I went inside.

Seeing as my mom wanted me down for breakfast now, I took the quickest shower known to man. In my case, it was the quickest shower known to woman. Well if no one knew that this was the quickest shower possible then I guess it was actually the quickest unknown to woman.

I ran down the steps not really sure why I was running. I had absolutely nothing planned for today. The only thing I was sure I was going to be doing today was finishing that killer essay I put off last night. Overall today was going to be very uneventful compared to last night.

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