Ch 18: Big brothers & Car racing

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Two thoughts rushed into my head when I awoke the next morning.

I slapped my hand down on the empty space beside me which confirmed my suspicion.

Joni was no longer beside me.

That was the first thought I had of course. That my previously drunk best friend was no where to be seen. I sat up right and took a good look around my room. It all looked the same as it had last night.

I slipped out of bed and headed into my bathroom. I was curious to see where Joni had gone but not curious enough to leave my room without even brushing my teeth.

After I was all set and feeling fresh, I went downstairs. The smell of pancakes and bacon hit my nostrils before I even entered the kitchen.

Sure enough when I got inside the kitchen, mom was cooking a heavy breakfast which could probably feed an army of hippos.

Give or take an elephant too.

Now mom wasn't the type of mom who cooked big, loving meals every day. She liked to cook these wonderfully fattening meals only during special occasions.

At first, I thought she was celebrating me going out to that party last night. I still did have to tell her how that went. Then I realized mom wouldn't celebrate something that silly.

That's when the second thought I had had this morning came flooding into my head.

Trent was coming over today.

"Mom, when are we picking him up?" I questioned as I made myself comfortable on a stool. I took the liberty of sliding a plate with a stack of pancakes infront of me.

"Two hours. What's his favorite dessert?" she asked in a frantic voice.

To the untrained eye, it might have looked like she had this whole situation under control but to my eyes, I knew she was freaking out.

She wanted everything to be perfect for when Trent comes which included having all of his favorite food cooked and the house clean.

Of course she already knew all of Trent's favorites. She couldn't remember because there were a million thoughts bouncing around in her head at once. That made it hard to concentrate.

"Oreo pie," I reminded her.

"Oh no! We don't have Oreos," she said then gave me a sickly sweet look.

She didn't even have to say the words. I stood up and took a pancake off the plate.

"Yes, I'll go to the store. Bye mom," I said. She gave me the widest smile which was worth starving ten minutes for.

The whole shopping ordeal took twenty minutes total including the driving and the actual shopping. When I was back, mom looked like she wanted to hug me but was too busy to. I didn't mind though.

I looked at the spot where the pancakes had been before I left and almost cried. Sitting there was just an empty plate with nothing but crumbs as a reminder of what had been.

What kind of monster did this?

"Mom. What happened to the pancakes?" I questioned.

"Oh, Logan ate them."

"Logan," I spit his name out.

Mom didn't catch the bitterness behind my tone. Mostly because she was busy.

When I got my hands on him, I was going to kill him. The same way he killed my pancakes. No one was allowed to kill my pancakes but me.

Just as thoughts of slapping that handsome face were bubbling in my mind, his handsome face appeared before me. He was nonchalantly whistling as if he hadn't devoured my pancakes.

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