Chapter One

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The crowd is swaying and singing along while the band on stage sings their final song of the night. Harry has his arms wrapped around me with his head resting on my shoulder. We're dancing completely off rhythm but we don't care because we love each other and that's all we need. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It has been six months. Six months of sleepless nights and cigarettes. Cold coffee and fingernails bitten down to nubs. Writing and loneliness. Six months since Harry left me. I wish I could say it didn't affect me, but that would be an obvious lie. My once cute and quirky blonde 80's haircut has grown to my shoulders and my brown roots are quite visible. I have puffy tired eyes from lack of sleep and crying. My bones protrude outwards much more than they used to. I'm sure people have noticed that I'm not doing too well, but I think they're too scared of me to ask how I'm doing. I would be scared of me too. I resemble a zombie.

I don't know why Harry broke up with me. Maybe it was because of the girl he's seeing now. Maybe I was too clingy and strange. I knew all along that I wasn't good enough for Harry, but I really thought he loved me. I was foolishly, stupidly, and blindly in love. I should have known not to let myself fall so hard for him.

We had been dating for only eight months when we broke up. Not even an entire year. How did I get so attached, I am not sure. All I know is that I never want to feel this again, even if it means never loving again.

AN: Sorry this was so short but I promise the next chapters will be much longer, bare with me!

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