Immortal Desire prologue

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Authors Note - this is a story I wrote a while ago, and was recently rewriting. It took me like four months to write so if you copy it I will hunt you down and kill you.... and it won't be quickly either. If you read and like please comment and vote and I'll keep posting, thanks.



The streets are crowded. Everyone is going in another direction to me and I can feel myself getting pushed around in their wake. Their faces are featureless and blurred and they walk past quickly and purposefully making me feel like a kite being blown helplessly in the wind. I find myself pushed to the edge of the street and that's when I see him. His face isn't blank like everyone else's, it's beautiful and bright. His mesmerizing eyes look into mine adoringly and I stop to look at him like he is looking at me. I feel my heart hammer in my chest as I feel his gaze upon me and I return it solidly. Then he turns his head and a girl appears next to him, just as stunning but there's something about her that's disconcerting. I look down and see their hands perfectly together and her silvery eyes gazing into his, a look of love on her face. I feel my heart fall and I turn away,

I will never be that girl with a guy as good as him, but I will never forget him. I walk away, still pushing through the crowds and forget him.

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