Chapter Four

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Carter's POV

*The picture above is what Carter looks like and what she is dressed in*

I stomped out of the auditorium, slamming the door in Andy's face. How could he accuse Pierson of such a thing? Pierson would never do that to me, we've been together since freshmen year! I was furious. I dialed Pierson's number as I walked to my car.

"Hey baby, what's up?" His voice echoed through the speaker of my phone as I got in my car. "Are you cheating on me?" The words slipped from my mouth and I began to panic. I didn't think he was cheating on me, but after hearing Andy mention it, I was a little curious.

"What? Of course not! Why would you think that?" A wave of relief washed over me. "I was just kidding, I know you wouldn't do that to me. But I was thinking, maybe we could get together tonight? I miss you" I traced my finger along the edge of my steering wheel.

"Oh, tonight? Well, um-" Annoyed, I cut him off. "I haven't seen you all summer! What could you possibly have to do tonight that is so important?" I couldn't believe this, I couldn't believe him. "You. You are the important thing that I'm doing tonight" Was he serious? "Wait, what?" I furrowed my brows together.

"You, me, and a nice homemade dinner, and maybe a little something else afterward. How does that sound?" A big smile was plastered across my face. "Perfect! I'll see you at 6!" I quickly hung up and checked the time. It was already 3:30. I stuck my key in the ignition and started my car.

I looked up and noticed that Andy was sitting on the curb by himself, smoking a cigarette. Don't do it My conscious spoke to me, and I listened. I drove right past, not bothering to look at him. I sped out of the parking lot and headed home.


"Carter, is that you?" My mom's voice called for me as I walked through the door. "Yeah, but I can't really talk. I'm going over Pierson's in a little bit" I looked in the mirror that hung on the living room wall, deciding that I needed a shower.

"Well I just wanted to let you know that we have something important to do tomorrow night, so don't make any plans" She sat on the couch with her legs crossed, a book in her hand. "What are we doing?" I leaned in closer to the mirror, examining my pores. "It's a surprise-Will you stop that? Your pores are fine! I mean they better be after I spent all that money on the face wash you wanted" She looked up from her novel. I rolled my eyes and jogged up the stairs.


After showering, blow drying my hair, picking out an outfit, straightening my hair, and doing my makeup, I was finally on my way to Pierson's. I wore a white lace crop top with black jeans and black boots.

I pulled into Pierson's driveway and realized that his parents weren't home. perfect. I stepped out of my car and walked up to his door, ringing the doorbell. "Hey" He greeted me with a kiss. "You look cute" He smiled and walked me in, his hand on the small of my back.

"It smells really good! What are you cooking?" I took a seat at his counter. "Take out" We joined each other in laughter as he placed a tub of Chinese food in front of me. "So much for a homemade meal" I rolled my eyes, giggling. "I burnt the mac and cheese, sorry" He sat next to me, still laughing.

We sat in an awkward silence until I finally spoke up. "Do you really wanna know why I asked if you were cheating?" His eyes widened as if he were nervous. He shrugged, shoving a mouth full of lo mein in his mouth. "That Andy Biersack kid, who's in my journalism class, told me that he overheard you on the phone with some girl. But of course, I told him he was wrong. Because he is wrong, right?"

I laughed out of nervousness, I tend to do that a lot. Pierson didn't bother making eye contact with me, he just stared at his food. "Yeah, of course, he's wrong" He continued to eat like nothing was going on. "Oh, okay. Good" I smiled contently and took another bite of my sweet and sour chicken.


After eating, Pierson and I made our way to the living room couch where we started having a full on make out session, which was slowly increasing to something even more. Before it went too far, Pierson pulled away and sat up, since he was on top of me. "I'll be right back" He winked and wandered into the bathroom.

I heard a buzzing noise and looked over, he had left his phone on the table. Don't do it my conscious popped back up, interrupting my curiosity. This time, I ignored and picked up his phone. He had a two missed calls and a new text, all from someone named Eliza. The text read "Are we still on for tonight?" Maybe it was just a friend? Who am I kidding? The bastard is cheating on me! Andy was right.

Pierson exited the bathroom with only a shirt on. I stood up and crossed my arms. He looked at his phone, which was in my hand, his eyes widened. "Carter, I can explain" He put his hands up in defense. "Explain what? That you're cheating on me? I gave you so many opportunities to tell me, but you lied straight to my face each time. If you would have just told me, then maybe I would have forgiven you" I threw his phone at him, tears threatening my eyes.

"I was so lonely without you in Florida, you don't understand!" He screamed after me as I walked out the front door, he followed me onto his porch where we continued to argue. "No, I understand perfectly. I'm not what you want, and the worst part is that I'm okay with that. So go ahead, go be with Elsa or whatever the fuck her name is because I don't care!" I was in hysterics as I ran to my car.

I shoved the key in the ignition and back out at full speed, racing to get home. My vision was blurry because I was crying so much. I turned into my driveway. I slammed my car door shut and ran inside, making sure I wasn't crying anymore before entering the house. "Honey, what's wrong?" My mom was sitting in the same exact spot and position, accept she was reading a different book.

"Just allergies" I sniffled and rubbed my eyes. "The pollen is very bad this time of year. Go take some allergy meds and head off to bed, you'll feel better in the morning" I nodded and headed upstairs where I spent the rest of my night crying and hating myself for not believing Andy in the first place, but if it wasn't for him, Pierson and I would still be together.

A/N: Let me know what you think!

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