Chapet Sixteen

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Carter's POV

What am I doing? How am I letting this happen? My mind raced with questions as my lips danced in sync with Andy's. After what seemed like eternity, he pulled away. "I'm sorry Carter, but I love you." I was in complete shock. "Andy..." I shook my head, his hands rested on my hips. I backed up out of his grasp. "We can work this out, please." He was so desperate. 

"After what just happened, I don't know if I can even trust you anymore. You forced yourself on top of me and now you want me to be your girlfriend?" My mind was racing, this man standing in front of me was absolutely crazy, but I kind of liked it. "Well it sounds aweful when you put it that way" Andy shrugged his shoulders. 

"Because it is aweful! Andy, you're going to be my stepbrother. I can't date you!" But I wanted to. The longer I stood in front of him, the more I realized how beautiful of a person he was. His pale complextion, his light blue eyes, and the way his black hair fell in front of his face... No! I needed to get away from him, because I knew that if I didn't I would fall even harder for him.

"I'm sorry Andy, I have to go." Without giving him a second glace, I walked away as fast as I could, a tear rolling down my cheek. "Carter... Carter please. Don't go, I need you!" Andy called after me, but I didn't give in. I got in my car, noticing the dent that Andy had mentioned in his message. I got in my car and cried. I wanted him, I needed him. But it was just so wrong. I could never go through with it.


I parked my car in the driveway, noticing that there were strange cars parked in front of the house. I unlocked the front door to find Andy and his friends sitting on the couch. They all stared at me as I ran upstairs. I locked my bedroom door and blasted music to block out their voices. Tears streamed down my face as flash backs of Andy forcing himself onto me, just like Pierson. "Pierson..." I had an idea. I whipped out my phone and dialed a familiar number. 


"Hey Pierson, are you busy?" 

"Um no, what do you want?"

"To give you a second chance, pick me up at 6" I hung with excitement... and regret. I don't trust Pierson and I don't want to be with him, but I needed to prove to Andy that he means nothing to me, even though he does. He couldn't know that. 

I shot out of bed and ran into my closet. I pulled out a black chain mini dress. I slid on a pair of black open-toed heels and put my hair half up hald down. I wiped a swatch of clear lip gloss acorss my lips and drew a thin line of eyeliner across the top of my eye lids. I heard a honk from outside my window  as I finished putting in my hoop earings.

My phone buzzed, Pierson had sent me a text. "I'm here" I turned off my music and headed down stairs. Andy and his friends were in the kitchen eating pizza and messing around, when I entered, the room went silent. "Damn" Ashley mumbled. "Where do you think you're going dressed like that?" Andy looked at me head to toe. "You don't control me" I flipped him off and walked out the door.

I strutted up to Pierson's car, opening up the door and getting in. "Long time no see" I said to him as I buckled my seat belt. "I definitley was not planning on seeing you anytime soon" He was surprised. "Me either" I rolled my eyes as he pulled out of my driveway. 

"So where are we even going? Why are you all dressed up?" I gave him a serious look. "I wanna go to the club downtown" I crossed my arms as we awkwardly sat at a red light. "A club? What has gotten into you?" Pierson was agrivated. "My stepbrother" I said sternly.

A/N: Hello! I finally updated lmao let me know what you think!

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