Jiraiya Gōketsu Monogatari (The Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya)

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There was a young boy who was born into the powerful clan of Ogata. He was expected by everyone in the clan to accomplish great things!  

Unfortunately, before the boy could even reach the right age, another clan rose into power. Soon enough, this led to the fall of the Ogata clan. 

After his clan fell, the boy (now a young man) was left homeless, so he was forced to move to another city, where he joined a gang of bandits. Years later, he became the chivalrous leader of the bandits, and was then called by the name of "Jiraiya" (Young Thunder). 

One day, as Jiraiya was traveling, he came across a huge toad who was getting beaten up by a gigantic snake. He beat the snake down using his weapon (in one translation of the story, this weapon was an ancient flint-lock rifle), and it fled away. 

The huge toad, revealing itself to be an mystical creature, was very thankful towards Jiraiya for saving it, and it offered to teach him some "toad magic" (which included the ability to summon a huge toad to do his bidding and/or to shape-shift into a giant toad himself). The toad also advised him to find a girl called Tsunade, for she could help him in the future. 

Jiraiya thanked the toad, then he journeyed off again (to find the Tsunade girl). When he found the beautiful Tsunade, he immediately fell in love with her, and soon asked her to marry him. 

Surprisingly, Tsunade agreed instantly, revealing that she was advised by a giant slug (who taught her "slug magic") to find and marry a man named Jiraiya, for together they shall do great things. 

As Jiraiya and Tsunade went on adventures together as husband and wife, they were attacked by a man called Orochimaru, Jiraiya's former comrade who was bribed by the giant snake (mentioned earlier) with some "snake magic". 

Orochimaru was obsessed with and in pursuit of a princess called Tagoto-hime (who didn't like him back), and of course, Jiraiya and Tsunade came to the princess' rescue, so he thought they had to be eliminated. 

They fought a long battle, for each of the three had their own strength and weakness. (Toad - Slug - Snake was the old Japanese version of Rock - Paper - Scissors) 

But since Jiraiya (the toad) and Tsunade (the slug) was working together, they were victorious against Orochimaru in the end. 

The princess was saved, and Jiraiya became a daimyo as a reward. He was then able to revive his fallen clan by continuing their bloodline, and together with Tsunade, they lived a long and happy life. 

The End~   

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