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The school year was new for Caine, as was his uniform, his look, and his plan. First period didn't know what hit them as Caine walked in, already winning over half the class with a confident "Good morning!"

He took his seat, already grinning, and waited for role call. The L's were eventually called, and they were led by a beautiful girl named Diana. She was stunning, but Caine remarked to himself with annoyance that she didn't seem too impressed with him. Yet.

Followed shortly was the M's, and Caine noticed another kid who wasn't quite buying it. This time, a boy named Drake, who would have seemed good natured due to his tendency to smile, that is, if his grin wasn't so toothy.

Finally came the S's and Caine flashed a smile to his teacher. She returned it, before passing out papers. They were lined with questions like "what do you like to do?" And "what's your favorite color?"

Caine figured now would be a good time to win over his two staunch classmates, when the teacher ordered them to fill out the work sheet on each other.

"So, you're Diana Ladris?" Caine slid into the desk in front of her.

Examining her nails with a raised eye brow, "Should I add you to the waiting list of losers who've asked me out today?"

Caine's eyes flashed with anger, "No, but I'll take a numb-"

She abruptly stood up and crossed the room to another gaggle of students.

Caine sat, shocked, as Drake took her place. "Bitch, isn't she?"

Caine shrugged at that. He'd get her eventually.

Drake continued, "So, enjoying your first day of school? It sucks here, but it'll be worse when I'm in charge. For everyone but me of course. A lot worse..."

"Who said anything about running the show?" Caine glared at him.

"I did." Drake was arrogant. But workable.

"I see. Hey, work with me. I can give you power, much easily than you ever could, but I run things."

Drakes grin was a snarl, sizing him up. "Deal."

They lazily filled out their paper, when Drake asked, "Hey, Caine, do you like cats?"

Caine, realizing that it wasn't a question on the paper, shrugged. "A little."

"Good. Meet me behind the dorms after school.

That was the day Caine arrived at Coats Academy, and the day he had seen Drake light a cat on fire.

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