Chapter 1

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The Harwood Boarding School is divided into 5 houses named after Greek gods.
The House of Poseidon, House of Athena, House of Zeus, House of Apollo, and the House of Hades.
The House of Hades is the creepiest house.
There have been many ghost and spirit sightings there.
The House of Hades has 8 10th-grade students living in it, along with the House Headmaster and Maid.
The students are in 10th grade.
At the Harwood School, 2 of the students, Elayna and Samantha (Sami), walk together outside.
Sami (pronounced Sammy) is the most popular girl in the House. She's very cheerful and friendly. She's roommates with Elayna and they became best friends. She has blonde hair and blue eyes.
Elayna can be very sassy at times but is overall friendly. She has ginger, short hair and brown eyes.
Elayna tries to take a picture of Sami.
"Stop moving!" Elayna laughs.
"We have to get to class!" Sami laughs back.
Sami walks backwards and runs into someone, falling into their arms.
It's Jamal. Her boyfriend.
Jamal is smart and sweet. He has brown skin with dark hair and hazel eyes.
"Thanks." Sami blushes.
"No problem." Jamal blushes back.
Elayna takes a picture.
"Aw, you guys are so cute!" She says. "I guess I'm just a third wheel.... I'm Sargent Third Wheel! Or Captain Third Wheel! I'll come up with a name!"
Sami, Jamal and Elayna walk into school.
When they turn a corner, two boys in zombie masks jump out.
They all scream out.
"Tyler! Hunter! We know it's you!" Sami shouts.
Tyler and Hunter take off their masks.
Tyler is the class clown. He and Hunter are best friends and they prank everyone. He has brown hair and green/blue eyes.
Hunter's more serious, but he's also a jokester. They both love messing around. He has dark hair and blue eyes.
"We got you!" Tyler laughs.
"You should've seen your faces!" Hunter laughs along.
"You should see your faces when I beat you to the ground." Elayna remarks.
Tyler and Hunter quiver and run away.
Jamal and Sami laugh.
Sami, Jamal and Elayna enter their first hour.
Sami and Jamal sit next to each other.
"Oh, wow! I really am a Third Wheel!" Elayna sits behind them.
Meanwhile, at another desk, two girls talk.
Danya and Savanna.
The smartest girls in the House.
They are really smart and nice, Danya has a boyfriend and is best friends with Savanna after they grew close being roommates. She has brown skin with dark hair and brown eyes.
Savanna has brown hair and green eyes with light skin.
"Mark is so sweet!" Danya says.
"I know, you've told me a million times!", Savanna laughs.
Mark, Danya's boyfriend, comes in.
Mark is very athletic and popular. All of the girls crush on him. He has light skin with dark hair and brown eyes.
"Hey." Mark goes to Danya.
"Hi." Danya looks away, blushing.
Mark and Danya sit with each other.
The principal enters.
"Samantha, there is someone here to see you in my office." He says.
Sami gets up and follows him out.
At the end of the day, Elayna goes to Jamal.
"Hey," She says. "Have you seen Sami?"
"No, I haven't seen her all day." He replies.
"I'll go check the House." Elayna leaves to the House.
She runs up to her and Sami's room and sees a girl on Sami's bed and all of Sami's stuff is gone.
The girl has blonde hair with blue eyes and glasses.
"Who are you?" Elayna asks.
"I'm Annika." The girl says. "I'm new here."
"Where's Sami?" Elayna's eyes widen.
"I don't know!" Annika explains. "I just got here!"
"Tell me where she is NOW!" Elayna exclaims.
"Can we start over?!" Annika backs away. "I'm Annika! I'm new here!"
"I don't care!" Elayna grabs Annika. "I just want to know just want to know where Sami is! Now tell me!"

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