Chapter 9

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At Hades House, Danya tends to Tyler since he is lying about his ankle being broken just so he can get her attention.
"Do you want some more tea?" Danya asks him.
"Yes, please. Thank you so much." He smiles.
"No problem." She smiles back.
She leaves to the kitchen.
Hunter high-fives Tyler.
"This is working! Score!" Tyler laughs.
Meanwhile, Annika and Jamal talk in the dining room.
"I figured out what the writing on the portrait meant." She says.
"What is it?" He asks, ecstatically.
"It says that there is something hidden under the 8th stair of the banister."
"The 8th stair? What if it's the treasure?!"
"Let's check tonight."
"Can you believe Danya and Tyler are dating? They're so cute!" Jamal says.
"What?! They're not dating!" Annika says.
"Yeah, they met in the laundry room, remember?"
"No, she met MARK in the laundry room. That's what she told me."
"There's something going on. I bet Hunter's involved." Jamal suggests. "I'm gonna talk to him."
In her room, Elayna gets a call from the cop she talked to.
"Hello?" She answers.
"I found Samantha's information and contacted her." The cop says.
"Really?! Is she okay?!"
"Yes, actually. She says she never got her phone back, but she's going to e-mail you as soon as possible to explain everything."
"Thank you so much!" Elayna smiles.
At school, Jamal goes to Hunter.
"Are you messing up Danya and Mark's relationship for Tyler?" Jamal asks.
"No!" Hunter lies.
"I know you're lying. You have to fix this! Or else!"
"Fine." Hunter groans.
Mark comes.
"Mark!" Jamal calls. "Hunter has something to tell you."
"What is it?" Mark asks.
"It's my fault you and Danya broke up." Hunter explains. "I twisted things around to make you and Danya fight more. So she could date Tyler instead."
"That's messed up!" Mark shouts. He runs out.
After school at Hades House, Mark goes to Danya's room to see her.
"Danya." He says.
"What do you want?" She rolls her eyes.
"Hunter is the reason we've been fighting. He twisted things and it made us separate. I want you back, Danya."
"You were really rude to me, Mark!"
"That was because of Hunter! Please just give me one more chance! I've been so lonely without you." Mark begs.
"I'll give you one more chance. Only because it wasn't all your fault."
In the living room, everyone hangs out except for Danya and Mark.
Elayna gets an e-mail from Sami.
"Guys! The e-mail came!" Elayna shouts.
She opens it and reads it;
'Hey, Elayna. I miss you and you're probably really confused and mad. The day I left, my parents arrived and said that I had to be removed. I can't say why for now, but I had to be removed from the school. I can't really keep in touch with you for reasons I can't say, but goodbye. For now. -SAMI.'
"Why can't she say why she left?" Jamal asks.
"I don't know. I hope she'll fill us in another time." Elayna replies. "But this concludes one thing.... Sami is safe. And Annika, I'm sorry for being so rude to you. You didn't deserve that."
"You were worried and angry. It's okay." Annika smiles.
Danya and Mark come in.
"Me and Danya are back together!" Mark announces. "And we're throwing a party tomorrow night to celebrate!"
Tyler's face falls.
That night, Annika and Jamal meet at the banister and go to the 8th step.
They open the stair and a key is inside.
Jamal grabs it.
"What do you think it's to?" He asks.
"Maybe the treasure?" Annika suggests.
"But where's the treasure?"
"Maybe we should investigate in the attic again. Tomorrow night."
"Sure." Jamal agrees.
Victor hears them and starts coming.
Jamal runs to his room, but Annika hides in the hallway.
Victor goes down the stair and trips on the 8th step.
Trudy rushes to him.
"What happened?" She asks.
"I twisted my ankle!" Victor lets out.
"Come on." Trudy takes him to his office.
Annika eavesdrops.
Trudy gets the first aid kit and notices the spare attic key is missing.
"The spare attic key is missing." She says.
"What? We have to find it! Whoever took it is going to pay."

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