Bullied Male Reader X Bully Jean

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[mentions of suicide]

Your POV

"Hey look, it's the fag!", Jean says loudly pointing at me.

"He looks so ugly.", one of the girls say.

I look down at the desk waiting for the class to start.

"What is he even doing in here?", One of Jean's friends asks.

"Yeah, his boyfriend probably doesn't want to fuck him.", Jean says laughing.

"I don't have a boyfriend though..", I mutter.

"What, so no one even wants him, huh?", Jean laughs.

I sigh and look at the clock. Only a couple of minutes and the teacher should be here.

"Why is he even alive?", Jean's friend asks laughing.

My eyes widen. Death.. That's actually pretty good idea. I wouldn't have to listen to them, I wouldn't be mocked and bullied for my sexuality. I wouldn't be so alone. I wouldn't have to worry about anything. But how would I die? I don't have a gun.. the roof... I sit up and walk towards the door.

"Look, the dick sucker's probably gonna go kill himself now.", Jean says pointing at me.

I stop walking and look at him over my shoulder.

"You're right.", I say quietly and leave the classroom heading towards the roof.

Jean's POV

"Look, the dick sucker's probably gonna go kill himself now.", I say and point at [Name].

Why am I doing this? I should just stop and hug him. I don't want to bully him. I- I like him..If anyone knew  I would be bullied too and I can't let that happen. He stops walking and looks at me over his shoulder.

"You're right.", he says quietly and walks away from the classroom.

W-Wait? No, he's not actually gonna...

"Did you hear that Jean? he's actually gonna kill himself, what a weakling.", one of my 'friends' says laughing.

I stare at the doorway frozen. He can't actually... I run away from the classroom.

"Oi, Jean. Where are you going?!", my 'friend' yells.

I have to save him, he can't die. I can't let him die because of me.

Your POV

I walk to the rooftop slowly and open the door. I close it behind me and walk to the edge, where there's only a garden below.
It's probably gonna hurt if I don't die instantly. Who cares anyways, I deserve the pain after all and it's gonna be worth it if I die. I sigh and look at the sky. It's probably gonna rain.. I look over the railing at the ground. It's so far away.. I'm probably gonna die instantly.. Good.

"I guess this is it for me, huh?", I say and lift myself on the railing.

I look at the ground below me before slightly tilting forward. My heart's pounding a little, probably because of how high I am.
I close my eyes before the door slams open. I look behind me to see Jean. He's panting heavily and looking at me with wide eyes.

"[Name], d-don't do it.", he says.

I turn around and look at him tilting my head.

"Why not, you want me to die anyways, right?", I ask.

His eyes widen and he takes small steps towards me.

"N-No, I don't, please..", he says quietly.

"Well, this is a surprise, I thought you wanted all dick suckers to die.", I say slightly tilting backwards.

He gasps quietly and stops walking.

"N-No, no I don't want you to die, I want you to live.", he says.

"Hmm? Well, I'm surprised.", I say tilting my head more.

He then hops forwards, grabbing the front of my school shirt and pulling me back to the rooftop. I yelp and accidentally pin Jean to the roof with my hands on either sides of his head while he's holding my shirt. He opens his eyes and a tiny blush grows on his cheeks.

"Why did you stop me?", I ask with a straight face. [You're not straight Reader-Chan, you're gay~]

"I-I..", he stutters.

I close my eyes and try to lift myself off of him, but he pulls me down again, smashing our lips together. His eyes are closed and he's blushing bright red. I pull away and stare at him in shock.

"Why did you..?", I ask.

He looks away from me.

"I-I like you..", he says quietly making my eyes widen.

Seme Male Reader X SNKWhere stories live. Discover now