Chapter 12

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"Sorry I snapped at you." I apologise, sniffling against Louis's jacket. "I'm just tired of everyone trying to force us together."

Louis's fingers continue up and down the spine of my back. "It's okay. I'm sorry that it feels like everyone is forcing us down your throat. I'll tell them to lay off."

"Thank you." I sigh in relief.

I stopped crying about ten minutes ago and we've just been in this position since then. I'm curled up on Louis's chest, my body placed between his legs, his right arm wrapped around my waist, and his other arm is trailing his fingers over my spine. I've missed this. Louis makes me feel safe, like nothing in the world could touch me. I've forgotten how much I loved just being in Louis's arms, neither of us saying anything, just enjoying each other's presence. If I could just stay like this for the rest of my life, I would be the happiest girl in the world.

"I've missed you." I admit to him, making a fist in his jacket.

Louis kisses the top of my head, giving me a gentle squeeze around my waist. "I've missed you, too."

"Can we go do something?" I ask him, unclenching my fist and staring at the wrinkles in his shirt. "I don't want to go back yet and explain why I'm upset."

"Yeah, of course." Louis nods his head. "That means we have to get up."

I run my forefinger over his shirt, aimlessly. "I don't want to get up."

"I don't either." Louis honestly admits. "I've missed being this close to you. We should do it more often."

"...As friends?" I hold my breath, scared to know his answer for some reason I'm not quite sure of.

Louis doesn't answer right away. "Yeah, as friends. Friends are allowed to cuddle."

"Alright then." I agree with him. "We can cuddle as friends."

"Tonight?" Louis prompts me with.


Did we just make a date, as friends, to cuddle together tonight? Is that a normal thing? Friends do these types of things all the time, right?

"I have an idea." Louis stops rubbing my back. "I know what we're going to do today."

"Okay, Phineas." I giggle, sadly climbing off of Louis and standing up. I would have been perfectly fine with laying on him all day. "What are we doing?"

Louis stands in front of me, towering over my short frame. "It's a surprise." He grabs my hand in his. "Now let's go!" Louis walks away from the little hiding spot we found.

Friends are allowed to hold hands, so us doing it is no big deal. We're like best friends again. There's no rule that says we can't do this.

Louis and I race over a small hill, completely covered in snow. Louis ignores my questions of wondering where we are going. We reach a decent sized area surrounded by trees and a few, small mounds of snow piled up in certain areas. Louis stops running and spins to face me.

"There's nothing here." I turn around in a full circle, curious to know why we are here.

A round snowball collides into my shoulder, breaks apart at the contact, and falls to the ground by my feet. I gape at the snowball remains on my jacket. My eyes dart over to where Louis is smirking, forming another ball of snow in his hands. Louis smirks at me, getting ready to throw the snow at me.

"So, this is how it's going to be." I realise his intentions of bringing me here. "Well, I've got three words for you." I say, crouching down and scooping up some snow. "Bring." I ignore the cold feeling spreading through my fingers because I'm not wearing gloves. "It." I form the snow to a sort of round shape. "On." I throw the snowball at his chest.

Louis scrunches up his face when the snowball hits his upper chest. "Oh, I will." He tosses the one in his hands at me.

Squealing in happiness, I lunge behind one of the mounds of snow, feeling the snow soak into my clothes. I cup snow in my hands, quickly changing it's shape to look more like a ball. Carefully looking over the side, I spot Louis hiding behind a tree, making as many snow balls as possible. I throw one at him and it hits his kneecap. Louis's head snaps up and I dart behind the mound again.

My fingers turn red from the contact with the snow, but I ignore it as I scoop up some snowballs I made and attack Louis with them. We throw clumps of snow back and forth at each other, massive grins on both of our faces. Louis runs out of snowballs to throw. He tries a different tactic that includes attacking me and we both fall on the ground, me landing on top of him on a snow mound. We both burst on laughing, neither of us caring about the position we are in.

"My fingers feel like they are frozen." I rest my forearms on his chest, flexing my red fingers in front of him.

Louis grabs my hands in both of his and brings them up to his lips, blowing hot air on them. His eyes lock on mine while he does this simple, yet cute gesture. My fingers tingle in slight relief at the warm air.

"T-Thank you." I stutter slightly, my cheeks blazing up once I realise how close Louis and I are again. Here we are, once again, with me laying on top of him. I feel the beat of his heart pick up when I slowly feel myself lean closer to him. I slide my hands out of his, a sudden wave of courage flowing through me.

I know I shouldn't do this, but I just really want to kiss Louis again. Just once. That's all I need and then I'll never do it again. I remember Louis being a great kisser when we were on the X Factor, maybe he has gotten better since then. No one back at the cabin needs to know. This can be our little secret.

Louis leans up, leaving only a few centimetres between our lips. Louis stares at me, almost like he is asking for permission to kiss me. I shut my eyes and Louis closes the small distance between us. Our lips press together in a sweet kiss.

All of the memories we spent together on the X Factor come back to me and I kiss Louis harder. I've forgotten how much I've missed him. On the show, we used to be so close and everyone wanted us to date before we even liked each other.

One of Louis's hands cup my neck while the other stays wrapped around my waist. My own hands move to wrap around the back of his neck. Louis pulls back, earning a shake of my head from me, and I pull him right back. For once, I feel happy. If we stop kissing then we are both going to go back to reality. I told myself that I was only going to kiss him once, so I'm going to make this kiss worth it.

"Get a room or I'll call security!" An older lady shouts at us. Louis and I break away at the same time. The lady looks to be about fifty in her light pink snowsuit, glaring at us from a short distance. "Damn, teenagers." She mutters, skiing away.

I slowly turn my head back to Louis to see him already gazing up at me, a smile on his lips. "We should head back." I suggest, clambering off of him.

Louis's smile transforms to a frown instantly. "Right."

That can be the only time I kiss Louis. I can't do it again. I don't want Louis to think I'm playing with his emotions.


Author's Note:

How much do you love/hate me right now? They kissed, twice to be exact, but she doesn't want to kiss him again. I thought they finally deserved to kiss.

I already have the next chapter planned out. I'm undecided if I'll write it right away or not. You might hate me even more for that chapter, though.

I have decided that I'm only going to do Carter's POV for now. I'm not a fan of switched POV's.

Oh, I have a Tumblr now! It's Go ahead and follow me!

Question...So what did you think of this kiss? How do you think Carter is feeling or Louis now?

So, yeah!

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