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September 23rd 2001

A full evacuation of the secretive MI6 base had been ordered, but the leader of the base, Lois, was staying put. She knew that the day she signed up for the MI6, she would be risking her life. However, that still didn't keep tears from beginning to form in her eyes.

Her laboratory door was thrown open by Harvey Simmons, a young trainee. He was trembling from head to toe and it was clear he was finding it hard to say a word.

" Lois, we need to leave now!" He managed to choke out.

"There's not enough time, anyone who escapes is really lucky" She replied, trying to put on a brave face.

But she wasn't fooling anyone. She was absolutely terrified. Awaiting the impact of two missiles that would destroy the whole base was excruciating.  The six test subjects had been evacuated via the ocean immediately. She prayed for a moment that they would understand  why they are like how hey are. Why they had been kidnapped by S.W.A.R.M industries (the same people who had fired the missiles.) Why they,a group of infants would have to embrace the life they had now been given. And why the would be needed to save the world.

Weird, she thought, how the lives of people she didn't even know had somehow became more of a priority than her own. 

Harvey began to cry and fell to his knees, but still tried to give Lois a watery grin. Tears began to stream down her face when she remembered how happy she had been when she had first found out she was pregnant, and now felt guilty that, what was it , Chloe or Luke, would now die with her.

"Lois we wi-" Harvey managed to fit out before the whole base was hit by two missiles that wiped every experiment, life and piece of data from existence.

15 years later:

The elemental disaster (book 1) by Jamie DruceWhere stories live. Discover now