Chapter 1 - Almost

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Hello! I just wanted to write a little about this story, I've recently been reading CP Coulter's Dalton and although I will try REALLY super hard not to use her ideas in any way or form, they might just creep in here... The characters will be the same as in the TV show, so Kurt, Blaine, Wes, David, Nick and Jeff, plus C P Coulter's Evan and Ethan and a few of my OC's .I'm really just doing this for fun, and hopefully you will enjoy it too, it might get a bit angsty in parts... it's called Misery for a reason! But rest assured there will be a happy ending! Thanks for reading and I hope you have a very Dalton day! - xoxo

P.S - I can't take credit for the name Agent Adorable, If I could credit the person who came up with it, I would... I really can't remember who it was though, so yeah... No harm meant!

"You already know Wes and David, of course... they're probably the sanest guys this side of the school, and that's saying something." Blaine smiled, grabbing Kurt's hand, seemingly unaware of the way his face lit up. Blaine. One of the very few perks at his new school. The curly haired soloist was like the sunshine in the storm he was living in, he shone brighter than anyone else did, almost convincing Kurt that Dalton wasn't as bad as it had first seemed. Almost. Besides, no scool that forced it's students to wear striped ties, could be classed as anything more than a prison.

"This is Evan, and Ethan, no one knows which one is which,  don't worry about it." Blaine added, motioning to the mischievously grinning twins who were squatted in the corner.

"What are they doing?" Kurt muttered, their evil glances his way were starting to make him paranoid. Blaine bit his lip, suddenly incredibly interested in his expensive leather shoes. Kurt couldn't help wishing he would stop doing things like that, it was super distracting.

"Blaine..." he whispered, trying to restrain his full diva-bitch self, things were different here to McKinley, you didn't have to shout to be heard.

"They're taking bets on how long you're going to last." he mumbled, with an apologetic smile, "Please don't run away..."

Kurt just laughed, after everything he's gone through in the last couple of weeks, as stupid bet was almost welcome.

"But Nick... It's not fair!" whined a blonde boy, pouting and banging  his fists down on the common room table. Kurt inwardly cringed, that table looked like it was hundreds of years old, probably an antinque, like most of the furnishings in the West wing.

Dalton was set out in a simple enough way, the younger half of the school in the East wing, the recently rebuilt section, the classrooms in the North wing, the diners, meeting halls and choir rooms in the North and the older students in the West, the oldest section, hence the historical furniture. Simple as it was, it made no sense to Kurt. Why put the craziest, most accident-prone bunch of teenagers dorm in the most awe-inspiring, valueable part of the school?

"Jeff, I'm so sorry, please forgive me." the other boy, presumably Nick, replied, his voice thick with sarcasm.

"Sorry isn't good enough. Beg!" Jeff demanded, a smile dancing on his lips.

Nick fell to his knees, dramatically kissing the royal blue carpet beneath the other boy's feet.

"Nick and Jeff. West wing's resident married couple." Blaine repressed a smirk, squeezing Kurt's  hand in reassurance. He had a right to be overwhelmed.

"There's still time to knock them off their top stop, Blaine." Wes cut in, with a knowing look to Blaine, then Kurt, then back to Blaine again. Blaine blushed, gritting his teeth and 'accidently' kicking his best friend underneath the table.

"Are you quite finished, Wesley?"

"Don't deny it, Blaine. Your holding our endearing, little McKinley spy's hand already, he's only been here half an hour. You don't wait around... Nick and Jeff should be careful." Wes beamed, skipping back to the arm chair by the window he was sharing with David. Nick, who apparently had been forgiven, seemed to be doing some form of scary witchcraft on Jeff.

"Ow... Nick, I want Anna to like me, but I'm not sure your love voodoo is actually going to help!"

"We shall see... Now hold still while I find something to bind you with." Nick muttered, a manic gleam in his eye that seemed to be present  in everyone Kurt had met so far, "Aha! This is perfect." he added with a flourish, producing Kurt's new scarf, a going away present from Burt and Carole , from  his messenger bag, which he had left unknowingly by the door, unguarded. Kurt's face fell, his mouth flying open in shock.

"Not the scarf!" he cried, preparing to rush to it's aid, but Blaine beat him to it.

"NIck! how amny times do I have to tell you not to steal other people's things?" Blaine shouted, snatching the Marc Jacobs scarf from the other boy's hand. NIck wasn't grinning anymore.

"Woah. Scary  Blaine...Chill, it's just a scarf."

"It's not  just a scarf. it's Kurt's scarf, what the hell do you think your doing?"

Nick's expression changed, mimicking one that Wes and David adopted whenever Kurt and Blaien were together. Kurt found it a little frightening.

"Kurt, as  in Kurt Hummel? As in 'oh my Wesly, isn't he the most adorable, gorgeous guy you have ever met? I'm now going to go and play Teenage Dream at least three hundred times, because he is my teenage dream' Kurt? Oh. This changes things, Blainey-Boo. Of course Agent Adorable can have his scarf back... he has saved us the torture of listening to your 'I'm in love and I don't care who know's it' playlist, we should be worshipping him."

Nick threw the scarf in Kurt's general direction, and he continued to bury his face in it, there were so many people staring at him.

"If anyone is interested, we are taking bets on these two, the odds are in favour of them getting together before the end of the week." mentioned Evan, or maybe it was Ethan, one of the two.

"Put me ten bucks on Kurt making the first move, no one Blainey has ever liked has actually returned his eye-sex. Well apart from-..."

"Wes. We are trying not to scare him." David raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, right. I'll tell that story another day."

All of a sudden, the whole room exploded with shouts at the twins, who were smiling sweetly at Kurt, two pairs of ice-blue eyes studying him.

Keep your cool, Hummel. Think rationally, don't lose your head. Blaine only likes you as a friend. Hell, he doesn't even know you. If he liked you, he wouldn't look so embarassed. You haven't seen him in a few weeks, you've let your imagination run wild, almost let yourself believe that maybe he did like you... in that way. Almost.


Blaine wasn't mad at his friends. He was furious. he tried desperately to regain his composure, but one look at Kurt's mortified expression sent him spiraling downwards. He turned away, walking as calmly as he could out through the double doors at the end of the room, out on to the corridor. It was bad that Kurt had seen him like this, when the playful taunts, the teasing reminded him a little to much of his old school, and the bullies he had fled from.

He had brought this entirely upon himself, he had never shut up about Kurt since the time in the choir room that the twins had named, 'The Power of Perry moment'. He had thought that Kurt was something just out of his reach, way out of his league. Now he actually came to the same school as him, and he was going to ruin it all. Blaine tried to collect his thoughts together, calm down a little. The last thing Kurt needed right now was a boyfriend, after all this mess with Karofsky, but it was taking all of his efforts not to run back in there, and just hold the younger boy. Hold him tightly, comfort him, show him that he'd protect him, no matter what. Stroke his soft, chesnut coloured hair and make it all okay. Even just for a short while. And he almost did. Almost.



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