Chapter 3

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Matthew was walking down to the banquet hall, he heard someone behind him yelling. Then turned around and saw the girl that he rescued. She asked him, Where am I? He looked at her puzzled, What do you mean where are you?

I mean WHERE AM I! She said loudly in an irritated voice.

He was a little taken aback. He finally then said,Your at the DuBa castle, I'm pr....I'm Matthew. I found you along the road yesterday.

Her eyes suddly got bigger. Yesterday! Oh No!

  Matthew looked at her puzzled, what is wrong?

Annie looked at him like he was high or something and said,I have to be at work, I work for a large buiness company in New York, how can I get there?

Matthew just laughed and said, what is a business company? Women around here work as semstresses or they stay at home.

Annie looked at him puzzled, ummm....what is the date?

Matthew looked at her like she was crazy and said June 4th 1810. Annie eyes got huge then she fainted.

Annie woke up and looked around the room, she was in the same bedroom again. She wondered how long she was out for this time. She tried getting up but her head was woozy and spinning. So she ploped down back on the bed and hollered for Matthew. He then came running in the room, and huffed are you alright? You did hit your head pretty hard.

Yes, I'm fine she replied. How long was I out this time?

Not long, just an hour or so. Do you need something to eat?

As soon as he said it, her stomach growled. She chuckled, I believe so. They both then started to laugh.

Alright, I will go get you something to eat. He then left the room without another word.

A few moments later he came into the room. I hope this is alright.

Looking at him she just chuckled, I'll eat anything! I'm starving!

His face relaxed. Alright. He then gave a slight chuckle. I can leave you alone if you want.

She shook her head and said no, I would like you to stay. I think I have been alone long enough.

Matthew nodded and said, alright if you insist. Annie gave him a grin then ate her dinner.


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