New People

215 0 3

Valerie P.O.V

I woke up in a dark room. I sat up and tried to look around but it was to dark. I got up and ran right into something. I fell down and landed into a puddle of something, it was kinda sticky but I couldn't see what it was. I got up and slowly walked forwards hoping not to run into the something again. My finger tips touched a damp cold object, it felt gritty like cement. I slid my hands alone the object to realize it was a wall, I began to walk along the wall to find a door. I tripped over something, like a bag. I reached for the object on the floor and felt around but it wasnt a bag, I felt up the object to feel the features of a face. I instantly got scared and backed away running into the wall. My breathing became heavy as my mind wondered. I started to cry and weep of pain in my foot, I lifted my foot to feel wetness, I think I'm bleeding, I must have not noticed when I got scared. I went back to feeling the wall and as I started to walk I stepped on something sharp, it must have been glass.

"Ouch!" I dropped to my knees and felt my feet but there was just wetness everywhere I whipped my hand off on my shirt as I trembled to get back up.


I froze. I looked around as I held my breath trying to see something, trying to figure out what made that noise. It went silent so I went to go follow the wall again.

"Hello?" I deep voice called out. I tensed up as I felt my heartbeat in my chest. A bright light appeared across the room upon the top of a staircase. Groaning of all sorts of pain, of more then one person ended the silence. I looked around and saw five boys laying on the ground. I looked back up at the light and started to make my way to the staircase forgetting about the glass in my feet, I stepped down and fell to the ground in excruciating pain.

"Clumsy bitch!" I heard someone say as I looked towards the direct of the voice and it was a black figure of someone standing at the top of the stairs. I felt someone come towards me and put there hands on my shoulders.

"Are you okay?" I quickly turned around to see the owner Of the voice. It was skinny looking kid with dark brown hair. I shook my head yes looking back at the man.

"Who are you, and what are we doing here?" One of the boy's said I looked around at them all, they looked to be around my age.

"Now, now. Settle down, everything will be alright. Well at least if you behave. "He said, I could tell he said it with a smirk on his face as he chuckled. The boy helped me up off the ground and hid my behind him and he swept his hand around putting it on my arm.

"You all better get to know each other because you all will be spending a whole lot of time." He turned the light on, as he began to walk down the stairs I got a better look at him. He was those creepy looking guys you see in horror movies.

"Well if your not going to be talking I guess I will be talking then, let's start with lady's first,Valerie she's 18. I've been watching her for 2 years now. When I first saw her I knew she was the one. " I was just starring at him In complete shock. All the boy's looked at me, I hid my head in the boys back. I began to think of all the worst

"What do you mean you've been watching her, have you been watching all of us?" One of the boys asked walking closer to the man.

"Stay back!" The man yelled pulling out a gun. We all backed away, I looked down at my feet and there was blood everywhere.

"Devon is 18, I've been watching you for 4 months. I watched how you where with the lady's. I seen how you treated them. Well your going to learn." I looked over to the boys trying to figure out who he was talking about, the boy stood out from the rest of them. He had the face of every boy, every girl loves.

"Edwin is 18, I've been watching him for a year, I watched every little thing you did. From when you woke up to when you went to bed. I've even been to your house and met your parents."

"I've never met you in my life?" The boy I was standing behind answered. His name was Edwin.

"Grayson is 18, I've been watching you for 2 months. You where the one who was hard to figure out but i think i got you down." The man began to walk up the stairs but stopped half way.

"Well who the hell are you?" Grayson demanded

"Carson is 18, I've been watching you for 5 days. Not long but i got you all down too." He continued to name us off one by one, he walked to the top of the stairs and walked out. We looked at each other confused. A noise caught our attention again at the top of the stairs, the man was bringing down totes of stuff.

"Now Nick, I've known you your whole life, I'm surprised you didn't recognized me." He smiled with his grimy teeth at the boy in the back.

"I know who you are, why are you doing this?"

"You'll find out, here are all your needs. I'll see you tomorrow." He walked back up the stairs and closed the door behind him locking it.

        3 hours later

After what seemed like forever of searching the basement we all decided to take a break and sit down.

We were all sitting on the floor talking. Devon tucked my hair behind my ear as I blushed.

"Why are you blushing?" Davon asked smiling at me which made me hid my face.

"Why do you think where here?"

"Who is this man?"

"Why does he say you know him?"

Question upon question was being thrown left to right. We were all confused and scared. I was scared cause I was surrounded by boys who I didn't know. They don't even look familiar like I've seen them in town or somewhere. I yawned and looked around for a blanket and pillow, I forgot that man brought down those buckets. I got up and walked over to them and open one of the buckets.

"What are you doing?" One of the boys questioned

"I'm tired so I'm lookin for a pillow and blanket." I said as I looked back at them. They all came running over opening the buckets and searching through them.

"I found some!" We all looked up as Edwin passed them out to everyone, there wasn't enough for everybody meaning someone would have to share.

"What the hell is this!" Carson yelled holding up a pair of underwear, not just any kind of underwear but the kind you see the models in magazines wear.

"Um those are underwear." Nick answered with a smirk on his face. They all looked at me with a questionable look on there face.

"There not mine!" I confessed holding my hands up in defense.

"Well they have to be somebody's." Grayson said. I grabbed a blanket and pillow and made myself a bed in the corner and laid down as well as the boys did.

One Girl, Five Boy's,One House!Where stories live. Discover now