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Once there was a young woman named (Y/N) who was a new member of the RED team. It wasn't all that good at first, the 8 men were harsh on her because of the thought that having a woman in war was "naturally unacceptable", as they say; that women were weak and would just be a burden in the battlefield. Nevertheless, (Y/N) did not falter to show them what women can really do.

Time flew by like a leaf that was blown away by the harsh winds, and the other mercenaries started to treat her with respect and kindness. How come? Because simply, (Y/N) did not give up. She showed them how skilled and professional she is in battle. Racing towards their base with the opposing team's intelligence, with sweat and blood rolling down her skin. Being blocked by the enemy's scout and pyro, she didn't fall easily. And even after fights, she would compliment every fellow mercenaries and tell them how much of a good job they're doing, win or lose or even if they'll just ignore or spit insults on her, she faces them all with a smile. That's enough proof for a man to show a woman some respect.

Today was a ceasefire day, everyone was doing their own thing. Either practicing, working out, watching tv, or whatever in this godforsaken base has for entertainment. One out of nine was glancing at a certain girl from time to time, obviously lovestruck.

"Just tell leetle girl how Doctor feel"

"Nein. I vould just be rejected by ze frau. Besides, i vould just trip over my own words. I zon't vant to be an embarrassnent in front of ze woman zat i love"

" Monsieur Medic, if you do not admit your feelings to 'er i vill tell (Y/N) myself"

"Alright, fine. I vill tell her, just give us some privacy"


And so, Medic head towards the so-called, 'living room' where (Y/N) is sitting with Pyro and Demo while watching a cartoon show. Demoman was not really watching, he was just passed out on the couch with a bottle of scrumpy in hand.

"Ah, Herr (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) turned her head to the sound of someone calling her name. When she realized that it was the Medic, she waved and flashed that signature smile of hers that made the Medic's heart flutter like white doveascending to the heavens.

"Yeah, Medic?"

"Can i ask you a favor?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Could you come at ze MediBay tomorrow, 5 in the afternoon... i need to tell you zomething important."

"Alright, Doc"

(Y/N) turned her back at Medic and continued watching the show on TV while Medic sighed in relief. Tomorrow is the day he is going to confess his undying love for (Y/N). And with that, Medic returned to his room practicing on what he was going to say so that he won't fuck up.

But little did they know thag there was an enemy eavesdropping to their "little" conversation. Chuckling to himself was the BLU Spy, who is now formulating a plan in his head on how to raid on their little "meeting".

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