The End

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"Hmm, it's getting pretty late..."
The doctor paced around his clinic, talking to his birds, all the while worrying about his dear Y/N.

'Vhat if she got lost? Or vorse, got strayed away and killed by one of those big bad BLUs?' Medic thought to himself. He grasped that taught and felt a sudden guilt and anger within him. He ran to his surgical table where his crossbow and bonesaw were.

"ACH! Ich wusste, dass ich sie nicht allein im Wald lassen sollte, besonders wenn es so spät ist!" Medic told himself out loud, startling his birds but that didn't matter to him at the moment. He is more worried for Y/N's well-being. Running to the doors with weapons in hand, he was about to go out but stopped as he heard a sweet yet confused voice answer from the other side.

"M-medic? Are you alright there? Its me, Y/N." His panic then turned to relief. He opened the door to see 'Y/N' in all her glory, standing outside his door with a face of confusion. Medic hugged 'her', still feeling relieved. Atleast he knew that she got there safe and sound.

Medic realized what he was doing and immediately removed his arms.

"A-ah, es tut mir leid. I got a little carried away... i'm glad jou're not hurt." he blushed in embarassment.

'She' tilted her head to the side and smiled "It's fine Medic, really."

"Come in, frau" He made way for her to get inside and closed the door.

'Y/N' looked around the clinic. Her eyes wandering off to the blueprints of the medigun that was stuck to the wall and papers regarding the RED's battle plan for the next fights. 'She' smirked and sat on the surgical table, facing a nervous-wrecked doctor.

'He looks so vulnerable... my job would be much easier then.' 'She' thought to herself.

"S-so, Y/N... about ze thing I told jou about yesterday..." He sighed nervously, inhaling deeply. He got closer to her and held her hands.

"... Ich liebe dich, Y/N. For the longest time. I know that this sounds clíche, as most vould call it, but its the truth. I love you more than anything else in the entire world. Its fine if you dont feel the same, I just want it to get out of my chest because its been bothering me for a while."

He looked down to his toes and waited for 'your' reply, but instead, he felt her arms wrap around his neck and hugged him. His heart was pounding faster than when you're getting ubered. He slowly placed his arms around 'your' waist to return the hug.

"I-i love you too..."

He always waited for this day to come. You and him hugging, returning each other's feelings for one another. He yearned for this and now he got it.

Still in each other's arms, 'Y/N' spoke"...But i have one thing to say... au revoir Medic."

He then felt a sharp pain on his back and fell on the floor. The medic look up to see smoke appear on what he thought was Y/N, revealing the BLU spy instead.

"Did you like my little act, doctor? I planned it myself." The frenchman laughed at the dying Medic looking up at him with anger and disgust displayed on his face.

"Manquer Y/N would be coming here soon... too bad you won't be here to see her. Don't worry though, I would take you're place." The BLU spy pulled out his revolver pointing it to the Medic. He saw him trying to reach the bonesaw that was on the floor next to him but he kicked it away and shot him dead.

The BLU spy brought out his disguise kit and disguised as the RED Medic. He took the glasses off from the dead Medic and pulled his body to a closet nearest to him.


He heard someone knocking on the door.

'Ahh that must be Y/N now.' He thought to himself. A wave of guilt rushed through him but decided to bury his past emotions for her. He is a Spy; its his job to put work as his top priority than some stupid feeling.

She'd never love him anyways.

The Spy went to the door and opened it to reveal Y/N. He frowned a little but immediately turned it to a smile

"I'm so sorry for being late Medic! I saw the most beautiful field of flowers and i picked out some of it.

"Y/N finally jou've arrived! Come in come in." He mimicked the Medic's voice.

Y/N walked in and smelled smoke coming from the 'medic'. She looked at him suspiciously as he proceeded to close the doors.

'Medic never smoked!' She thought and placed her hand inside her basket to grab her pistol.

"So Y/N, I wanted to tell you that-" He turned around and wad cut off as he came face-to-face with a pistol.

"Drop the act Spy, I know it's you. Where's the real Medic?" She said sternly. He laughed, shaking his head in the process. He removed his disguise showing no change in expression.

"My my Y/N, no need for violence-"

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?" She interrupted him. He placed his hand in a 'stop' position as his other was reaching for the revolver hidden in his back pocket.

"Well, I killed him. You shouldve seen ze look on 'is face as I broke 'is heart when I was disguised as you!" The frenchman chuckled at the memory, finally coming in contact with his revolver.

Y/N felt tears trickle down her face but wiped it furiously. Her hands was shaking, pulling the trigger and missing her target. The Spy shot back hitting near her heart. She collapsed on the floor and coughing out blood.

She looked up to see a cloud of smoke and saw the Sniper.

"S-so, it was y-you who was with me that time. You're the one that I spent time with in the field. YOU'RE THE ONE THAT STOLE MY FIRST KISS!" Y/N shouted at him the best she can but the blood was clogging her lungs. The Spy kneeled close to her bleeding form and frowned.

"... And it will be you're last, mon amour. You know, I developed feelings for 'ou. Je t'ai aimé, but I realized that we weren't meant to be."

She said with venom in her voice "I-I will never love a backstabbing bastard like you. Go to hell you frog!"

"...Just die already." He saw something drip to Y/N's shirt. 'Was he crying?' The spy asked himself. He tries to wipe them away but they keep on falling and falling. He looked away from her, aiming his revolver on her head and pulled the trigger.

This ends the story of Little Red Mercenary and the Big Bad Blu.

•Ich wusste, dass ich sie nicht allein im Wald lassen sollte, besonders wenn es so spät ist- I knew I shouldn't have left them alone in the forest, especially if its this late.
•Es tut mir leid- I'm sorry
•Ich liebe dich- I love you
•Au revoir- Good bye
•Manquer- miss
•Mon Amour- my love
•Je t'ai aime'- I loved you

Hey guys! Its been a while huh? Im so sorry for the looong delay but I just thought of this like awhile ago. I hope this is worth the wait, as Gaben would say. Please feel free to critisize and insult me :^)

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